Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
They woodent dare STOP me from drivin'! But it's okay. I takes lots of medication and alcohol to calm me down behind the wheel. For medicinal porpoises only. Seriously. hic
See, e wont not come owt from under sofa now. Reet peeved off e is. I'll av t get crow bar out now.
Juss promise him you'll stop that hideous accent and he'll do anything you arsk. An' promise you won't make him drink scrumpy ever again.
Sorry, was away with the fairies, must be the scrumpy. Prize is still here so you must be telling fibs, I didn't make him drink it, e did it all on his own .
Erm..(clears throat delicately)...'ow long zactly you been travellin' wiff fairies? Not that there's anyfing wring wiffit. I has a open mind.
I booked that nefarious prize into rehab for next week. His wings is clipped.
Who I travel with is my business ! It's only the gnomes that cause any problems, they keep pinching the Cornish pasties off the pixies. Prize doesn't need wings any way, he's tanked up on Red Bull.
I need a red bull or three to keep up with two eight year olds. Their Daddy and they have been with me all week and I'm feeling my age.
I knew you were off with the pixies. I always said that. But the prize is mine. I won't stand for your insolence and frippery. Stand and deliver or I'm sending Christine and Gesine over to deal with you. Well...I'm busy, aren't I?
Prize has a new hobby: Pokemon
good boy
Red Bull and Pokémon. The poor thing doesn't stand a chance. No, give him here. He's to have a life of high fibre, no sugar and no fun.
Dez as long as you drink your herbal tea with three table spoons of sugar
Prize is allowed to play games
Pikachu where are you
Ah, 2 spoons means back on the cider. C'mon prizey old mate.
What? What gibberish are you going on about now, old man? Unhand that prize or I shall thwack you!
Gramps: Prize is misbehaving and we hold you responsible!
curfew young Prize
and no more Red Bull
Gasp! He's been out kidnapping kitties?? This has to stop. Or was it...Grandfather? You like cats...
Lmao..... wouldn't touch a cat with a barge pole, my dog would go mental :0)
Your dog IS mental. He likes YOU.
So it was the prize doing all the catnapping after all? Give him here, then, and shame on you! I'm tellin' yor wife wot you dun to a young prize's morals. Then you'll hafta look out, wonechew?
mmmm that is a tough choose:
cat's nails or wife's nails
oh no no no nooooooooooooo
pointy sticks and soup are no options
run for your life Gramps
I'll take care of Prize
No probs there then. I've got me anti-dez-soup-suit on and me anti-pointy-stick armour plated vest. Hmmm, can't move too fast though. Prize me old mate, just bring the trolley wiv the go faster stripes on will you. That's a good lad, tally ho chaps!!
I WISH you'd wear more than a vest, seriously. You'll catch your death.
You does worry me gal. Note the word suit? You got to change them coke bottle bottoms for some real specs. I know you can't not read proper like wot we woz teached, but it will help.
But izzent that the same suit you wears on yor birfday? An' believe me - it's enuff to get rid of me! Gennlemanses duzzent talk about bottoms.