Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins
1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
5642. micromoth16 June 2016, 20:48 GMT +02:00

You mean you're not making a statement? Okay, I'll make one: I'm the winner!
5643. xymonau29 June 2016, 17:06 GMT +02:00

You don't think my outfit makes a statement? You disappoint me! And I had my hair done and everything!
5644. micromoth29 June 2016, 23:05 GMT +02:00

Well, I do applaud the outfit and the bouffon. But I'm still the winner.
5645. xymonau1 July 2016, 15:29 GMT +02:00

Okay, then. You win best outfit. Sheesh!
5646. micromoth2 July 2016, 7:52 GMT +02:00

Sheesh? Is that a designer label?
5647. xymonau19 July 2016, 15:30 GMT +02:00

If you had impeccable taste, you would know. And only the hoi poloi wear designer labels. We in the upper echelon wear bespoke.
5648. micromoth20 July 2016, 23:12 GMT +02:00

Umm... it's hoi polloi, not hoi poloi. The latter would presumably be everyday polo players. I rest my case.
5649. xymonau21 September 2016, 8:19 GMT +02:00

How can I neglect the spelling bee champion? Especially when he thinks he has won? :) I'm ba-a-ack!
5650. micromoth30 September 2016, 6:16 GMT +02:00

So am I!
5651. xymonau24 October 2016, 10:49 GMT +02:00

You're not back in the correct manner. Only I know the correct manner.
5652. micromoth27 October 2016, 7:49 GMT +02:00

But I come from the correct manor.
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