Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Dead body! I didn't know you owned any dead bodies. Stealing knees is one thing but complete bodies is just over the top. Now be a good girl, hand 'em back and go with them nice gentlemen in the white coats. No, not the one selling ice cream, the other ones.
No wonder the prize has been a bit funny lately.
Will you stop flippin' peerin in me winders!? Won't givvem back. I dugged 'em up juss like taters. They grow a long way below the surface, though. Odd, that.
The prize is not "funny". He's just plain naughty. He gives me cheek now, an' I blames you. No respeck for a hard workin' woman of seriously senior years, you.
I've plenty respect for hard working lasses of a mature age, I've just not found one yet. So, stop telling fibs and get back into that padded room.
'Ere, save me going back into faceitsoozit, yep, he's one of my bruvvers. Younger, better looking, more money, more teef and his own hair. I 'ate im sometimes.
You hinsult womankind, you do! We all has to work hard to put up wiff blokes. Mind you, you are goodfa gettin' lids off jars, I'll say that. An' I wooda liked a bloke around to wiggle me greywater pump on the weekend. @@
So you has a bruvver. Rich? Single? Cannee fix pumps? I'm halmost hovercomed!
"wiggle me greywater pump on the weekend"
I can just see that text printed on a t-shirt , ROTFLMAO
prize is upset
and has fled
to me
Now see wotchoodun, granfarver? She's took 'im anniz gunna tech 'im to KNIT! Christine - for the love of humanity - give the prize back. If he gets a hobby, there will be no stopping him.
I'm going to start a Cafepress tshirt shop that specialises in such messages. Perhaps Granfarver's hansum, rich single bruvver would like to buy one?
By the way; what the h..l is a greywater pump? And why would I want to wiggle it ?
I have a strange feeling that I shouldn't have asked that question.
There is Google for every query known to man.
Greywater is from your sink, shower and laundry - although technically it should only be the rinse water, but it isn't. This separate tank saves you destroying your septic tank. You have a pump in the grey water and as soon as the level gets to a certain height, it turns on and the pump send the water to a sprinkler. My pump was stuck and the tank overflowed, so I had to wiggle the pump a lot to get the thing to go.
We woop-woop dwellers knows these things. You big smoke lot is juss spoilded.
You is turning the prize into a arty crafty thing. Not haxeptibble. Iss my prize an I wanta MANLY prize. I'm into stereotypes.
LOL !!! Big smoke ! This is Somerset lass, where we grow the cyder apples m'dear. We don't get buses here, we get the monthly stage coach. Stereotypes? Have you tried an ipod or 3d tv ? C'mon prize off to origami lessons next, then flower arranging.
Good old friday 13th. I went to set up a stall to sell some of my mounted photo and artwork. I'd heard that the previous guy had given it up,so thought 'why not give it a go'. Within minutes, one of the regulars sniffely informed me that I was being terribly insensitive as the previous guy only gave it up because he was terminally ill and hadn't even died yet. S***!
ROFL!!! What did you say? And did you make any sales? Boy, some people are odd. Perhaps all photographers should down tools until the last man standing. How is that disrespectful? (Remember I am just a poor colonial who lacks all semblance of sensitivity.)
How far are you from the nearest city?
Yes, I have a whole bunch of Wurzels records, courtesy of my late father, so I am aware of the link with cider and combine harvesters and blackbirds (ahem) but I can't imagine you are that far from civilisation.
However, the way you have stolen my prize and are setting about destroying his masculinity leads me to suspect you may well be uncivilised.
Mwa' uncivilsed? I'll have you know I use a knife and fork when I eat my enemies.
Nearest city is Bath or Bristol (pronouced Barth by the posh and Baff by us peasants ). Just look at google maps. I'll send you my postcode and number and you can drop down to road level and look at the house and garden.
Right prize, dress making next and stop holding your hand that way, people are starting to talk.
Thanks for that, granfarver. Now I can peer in YORE winders!
I am goin' to call the orforittys an have my prize removeded from you. You has done a very bad fing to him an evvyboddy is callin' him names. Shame on you!
I always thought his name was John but he insists it's Joanne ?
That's it. Now I'm gunna be up for the cost of the hopperation! I'm buyin' a REAL prize. A pastick cup or somefin'.
Leave her alone, he'll be alright, just a bit of a split personality that's all. C'mon, all in wrestling next.
Aw, shucks, I thought you'd never ask! But you might get hurt.
That was fun ! You look most attractive covered in mud. Me'n the prize is off for a pint now. You'd better have a shower and your medication with your hot chocolate.
update: I found prize in one of my socks
claims he doesn't want to go back to neither Dez nor Gramps
ooo he is playing with Ed&Willem how sweet
oho don't go in the running wheel prize, Willem doesn't share his favorite toy
coming coming....
I'm not sure what you are taking or smoking but keep it away from me and prize. We're just off for a quiet drink and some fish'n'chips. Where's Dez gone, we have round 2 of the mud wrestling to go yet!
I'm still picking bits outa me hair, an' no more! Give that prize to Christine. Ed and Willem make far betterer company than a drinker and carouser like yorselluf. Just keep him OFF the wheel, Christine. Willem may inflict damage, and he has been traumatised enough.
I have been being bizzy. Buying a car, having incredibly life-threatening medical treatment (well, it hurted, anyway), and generally caught up in stuff I wish I didn't have to deal with.
I will go to Brisbane on Sunday to collect my car on Monday (not new) and then drive my son and granddaughters back here for a week. I'm so tired I can hardly function, and high as a kite on cortisone (and another injection on Thursday!), which makes me hungry constantly. I would be ahsamed to tell you how much I ate last night. I only stopped because I had to sleep. Not funny. I'm huge. But everything tastes so wonderful when you're on 'roids!
Since I have resigned from mud wrestlin', it's pointy sticks at 10 paces. Christine has lots of pointy sticks - she knits wiffem, but she isn't fooling anyone. Deadly, she is.
They let you drive !!!! No wonder prizey is hiding under the sofa.