Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Dez, you's is just strange. Not like us normal peeps like wot I is. C'mon prize, let's go before we miss Mary Poppins on the telly, it's your turn to get the jelly babies.
Strange and wonnerful, hey? You know I live in the town where the writer of Mary Poppins was born?
Lmao. That explains just about everything .............. !!!
I might add that she grew up in the US and spent all her life trying to hide the fact that she was Australian.
Ah, yes, we ar products of our environment. That's why I am the undisputed winner.
Born in Oz, lived in the US and wrote about an English magical nanny who has a thing about cockney chimney sweeps ' wiv the worsted accent you ever erd'. No wonder Disney got into it. I've changed me mind prize, we're off to see the latest Thor film.
Well, Hollywood had the awful accent. Not that I ever read the book. I wagged school to see Mary Poppins when it came out here. I was in primary school and I went by myself. I was determined to see it. I was singing "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" for yonks.
Give my prize back, please. None of this rubbish. We're off to the hoppera.
I won't mention 'roos after that last comment, even I can't stoop to that one. Haven't heard the expression yonks for, well, yonks. While you feed the birds me and prize are of to the ballet. Can't afford swan lake so we is going to the duck pond. Bye!
OI! YOO! 'And 'im back or I'm gunna make yoo wish you 'ad!
Takin that young thing down to the water's edge while you prance about in yer birfday suit an callit "ballet"?! You know wot the bailiff said larst time.
Woz snot. I'll av you know I avn't been enebri...inebri....anibra........drunkses since I can't remember. I can't remembers quite a lot's, hic.
In truth, I haven't been drunk for around 30 years.
My prize.
*blushes* *giggles shyly* Aw, shucks - you can juss call me, "my dear".
Right, my dear socks; I know that you have been looking after my feet for a long time. Unfortunately , winter is here and the holes that acted as ventilation in the summer now allow the cold winds to whistle around my toes. Therefore, as much as it pains me to do this, you are to be replace by these new wooly ones. Dez has agreed to give you temporary employment on a nearby airfield as a wind soc. Enjoy your break in Oz and I will see you next summer.
Ok ?
The least a gennleman could do is WASH 'is socks before stickin' 'em where they'll catch a strong breeze. There goes the neighbourhood...
Pull hidden snare rope tight across path. Dangling grandfather hands over the prize.
You can only have the prize back if I can have me head back.
Sorry. It was supposed to grab your feet but you were running so fast it missed. Here's your head. I polished it for you. Washed behind them ears, too.
That's better, just got to make sure I don't nod to hard for a while. I'll be back for the prize when the glue's set proper like.