Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I never thought of that, Gerben. Perhaps you're right. Or perhaps you're just very silly. How is your marriage going? No fights in the first weeks? LOL
Well we already found out my level of silliness =).
Marriage is going well, nothing changed really. We only got a piece of paper and rings =).
No fighting what so ever in our relationship, only some disagreements and arguing (
The secret is to have a "sorry" mat. The first one to run to the mat and say sorry for an argument wins five dollars.
As for me, I am running to the finish line, and winning one millyun dollers cold hard cash. Clever, hey?
Sorry - not yet. (Feet on mat, posterior on winner's seat.)
Wow cris, did you shot that photo? It's really nice!
No, the shot was from Australia. This shot was taken by one of the local Pomgolians. :) Courtesy National Geographic Photo of the Day
You don't want to know where my posterior is planted :)
Cris, you have no idea what "Pomgolian " means, do you?
Again with the backsides. What is it about you guys?
Macromouth is fibbing (his lips are moving). The sorry mat is a very long way from the winner's seat. If he was on the winner's seat, he'd be sitting on my lap. And we are just good friends.
Yes I do know what it means. It's quite common knowledge where I am from.
A group of early English explorers went to Australia to find a better place to live. They got lost in the bush and learned from the indigenous people how to live off the land. Mystery surrounds their early development and Australians jokingly said they were from Pomgolia and that is why they talked a strange dialect of English.
The Pomgolians eventually integrated into Australian society but folklore of their development abounds on the Australian continent. Anyone who speaks or acts somewhat odd are often characterized as being one of the Pomgolians.
btw: The Pomgolian soccer team almost made it to the World Cup :)
Where the devil did you get that story??? Are you serious?
Slaps forehead and swigs hot chocolate to drown the despair...
I couldn't find it on the internet so I came up with one of my own! :)
Gotcha!! And got the lead position to boot!
One thousand! Oh, how appropriate for the winner! (Takes a bow.) Thank you, ahem.
Every time I check in here then refresh the page, you no longer appear to be the last one to post.
How odd!! :)
Not really, Chris. Since I'm destined to be the winner, nothing else would be appropriate.
I hate to spoil your fun, Jimbo. It's so nice to see you I can hardly bear to chase you away, but someone has to do it, don't they? I can't allow people I admire to win. Nor you.
Just mind where you step. Lots of cattle have been in this field recently. None of them house-trained.
You don't have to have your cattle house trained if they have a field like this.
Thanks for reserving me my spot on high ground without any meadow muffins.