Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I want to know the name of the man who was warming your nether regions. I want to present him with a medal. Your "seat" is legendary.
Cris is a bit of a punk. Perhaps you could enlist him?
The insults merely serve to strengthen my resolve to win, my little American friend.
being so fiercely competitive, you remind me of a honey badger :)
now, don't accuse me of badgering here. (mandatory disclaimer)
Insulted by your own soup! Formulated to strengthen your resolve. Best whip up a new batch my stick wielding babe. You will need that resolve from your anthropodean strategic position.
While this is all going on, I'll just sneak back into the winner's seat. [Grins]
A recent report claims that an effective antidote for her soup is fresh coriander!
Happen to have some right here. I squish it into a ball with my fingers then enjoy the smell of the fresh aromatic essence.
...which only goes to prove how disgusting you are. Anyone who likes that stuff is not human.
Macromouth once more proves he is a sneak.
Kray's disclaimers are becoming daily events. Are you planning a career in advertising or politics?
My cat still loves me which shows I have good taste with animals.
Oh, I shouldn't say that...you threatened to eat Dan's cat at some point in time.
@969 I'd like to read that report! Does it also happen to mention an effective safeguard against pointy sticks?
Not much you can do about the stick except to avoid getting within jabbing range. She's not known to throw it as she has the boomerang for that.
If you do manage to get pricked by the stick, make a warm poultice of coriander and apply to the wound.. The coriander also keeps her at a distance as garlic does to a vampire.
@973 Coriander poultices?!?! Oh yuk! Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. I loathe coriander; personally I'd rather go for the garlic. Does it also work against boomerangs?
We will set a trap. She will come to us. We just need the right bait...??
we'll create this thread wherein the last post wins, and we'll starve her from the PC for a few days, take her modem down or somethin, and in a few days she'd be dying to make the last post, lure her to the PC corner ..and...
...hmmm, sounds familiar.
No, we is indestructible. Especially when it comes to claiming the winner's seat. :-)
There you go again. What is with your obsession with your "seat"?