Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Don't get too lost in that dream Kevin, someone might actually win this! :). I think I feel Dez behind me o.o
I am right behind you, Mike. Oh, was that a cliff? Sorry.
I am here to take the real, the fake and the runner-up prize because I'm clearly the most qualified to do so. Off you all go. I want to enjoy my winnings.
All you boy scouts and girl guides can run along now. Akala (how would I know how it's spelled?) is here, and I'll have that, thank you!
Akala is on a rap battle contest somewhere there he can win and I win the prize here
It might be Arkala - I don't understand the scouting movement, anyway. But just because I'm ignorant, it doesn't mean I'm silly. I KNOW I'm the winner.
Thank you all for participating. I now post on the topic to claim my prize as the winner! :)
No way, Manoel! The prize is mine. It's wonderful to see you here. It makes my victory that much sweeter! ;o)
And if you were the boss of me, I guess I would have to comply.
I always have and had my difficulties with interdictions. So what? I win
Not so fast, my little friend. Hand that prize back, please. You're stealing. TSK! Some people will resort to anything to win what doesn't belong to them.
Not winning - whining. I saw you steal my prize, and you can't deny it. I will have to call the authorities if you don't give it back. We champions are aggressive and greedy, you know.