Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Ungracious as expected. That's why I am the winner. I am the epitome of grace.
epi = out
tome = cut
So, a cutting remark. Grace? Lol!
Accuracy and the word "perhaps" don't sit well together.
There's no doubt whatsoever in my mind - I'm the winner!
Ah, yes, but the "perhaps" was a mere response, like the no doubt in your mind that I'm the winner, followed by your feeble, weak-kneed whisper of an attempt to usurp my throne.
Sit comfortable on your throne with your pointy stick and an apple as signs of your ladyship.
I take the prize in my nice little lodge.
One of the machines with an apple logo on it or a real apple take what you what, I take the prize :-) Have a nice weekend
You too. I will just have that prize now. No, I'm just minding it for you. HONESTLY!
Yes, and there are fairies at the bottom of your garden...
Oh, no - not the fairy delusion again! Moff, you have to take your pills. You remember what the doctor said. Next, you'll be thinking you've won this game.
Oh come on, you must have heard of fairy Nuff.
And as for winning, I don't *think* I'm the winner, I *know* I am.
You don't *think* people are out to get you, so you're not paranoid - you *know* they're out to get you. You *know* many things that aren't so, hey, Moffy?
You'll be fine, little Moff. Just take the nice pill and very soon you'll know I'm the winner. Poor little mite. Back to the Home for the Confused now. There you go!
Erm... you're the one who appears to be confused. Mites aren't anything like moths! They have far too many legs, for one thing.
Absolutely. Hexapodally all present and correct.
Have you? Need some help?
No, thank you. I can get to two. But we winners only need to get to one, don't we?
Oh, thanks for admitting that I'm the winner! You see - it didn't hurt too much, did it? As for being able to count to two, I'm glad you can do that.
When two argue the third wins. Step aside, step aside, hot soup!
Oh, no! Another soup person! Now I have REAL competition. Okay, boogy-person - be warned. It is my prize and I have no mercy. Give it here, and off i go! 'Bye!!
Bye Dez! Have fun with the imitation prize. The real one's here with me, safe even from bogeymen.