Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
have a look here dez
it is amazing, really it is, i take it 3 times a day, i have seen i a difference already, i found all about it by accident, my dog had a itchy chin, he was rubbing it on the stair carpet, then i found that site, i rubbed his chin with the ACV and he hasnt scrached again, this would have cost me £35 for the consultation then more money for the treatment if he needed any, which they would have gave him some tablets or something, the apple cider vinegar cost £6.95, probably the best money ive ever spent. give it a try.
this has got to be a winner, me that is
Sorry, Karen, but it upsets my stomach and makes it burn. It is great applied externally, as in your dog, and if you feel you benefit, that's good. But there isn't any real research that supports the claims. And I still ask - if it kills all plants, what does it do to us?
So I declare myself the winner, and you may sit at my feet and peel grapes for me. I will pay you a small hourly rate, which you will decline because it is a privilege just to breathe the same air as such a wonderful winner. But I like you, so you may bask in my reflected glory - until the grapes run out...
lol, i love your way of thinking dez, maybe it has to do with the amount of sunlight yous get, it has to be , cos there is no way possible you can believe that, just no way, nope none, as everyone here knows im the REAL WINNER,
Yawn! What a nice nap. Now, make way underlings. It's time I resumed my place on the winner's dais again.
Hear what the winners voice will tell you:
Grapes are running out, only plums availiable.
And there is a little left over of ACV for Karen I think ;)
And now you can pay homage to me!
C'mon, you can start right now!
Oh, okay...
Hail! Yada yada yada...
Now get out of my seat. You've had your fun. Now you have sampled the power, so you can be twice as jealous of me being the real winner.
Can't get off. I'm sticking on that seat. What should I do. Seams to be similar to that old story of Excalibur, isn't it???!! 8:-!
Not even slightly similar. Not in the faintest! Because I can get you out of that seat with a pointed stick. Excalibur required someone special. But ordinary little old me can wield my magical stick, and voila!
Well really! What unseemly behaviour, minions. You know that jousting should only take place on the field designated for that purpose and is time-limited to no more than 60 seconds. Joust a minute. So off you go. You can safely leave the winner's throne to me.
No, it's made in England, not Poland. But thanks for admitting that I'm good.
Good moth: here is my suggestion. You can sit on my arm , my head or where ever you want, even so you don't tickle me (I could loose my proud winners behavior).
But I'M sitting on the chair, winner like, of course.
And the chair is... Made in Germany :-P
Erm... thanks Gesine, but I think Dez has her own ideas about sitting on your head. Whilst you two are scrapping, I'll consolidate my rightful place on the winner's throne.
Yes, but we're not discussing the porcelain one, are we?
Pose and sit and consolidate all you want. Just get those grapes peeled and scurry away when I want my chair back.
Lol! You do make some funny jokes. Now please go away and clean the floor. I'd like some peace and quiet for a little napnap on the velvet cushions of the winner's throne.
Ah, then you're in the wrong room, aren't you? The velvet cushios ar in the loser's room. I decorated it myself. No, the winner's room has silken cusions, embroidered in gold, but you can't see them, because you are not the winner. I am.
Ah, then you're in the wrong room, aren't you? The velvet cushios ar in the loser's room. I decorated it myself. No, the winner's room has silken cusions, embroidered in gold, but you can't see them, because you are not the winner. I am.
I see you're suffering from delusional doppelganger again.
I'm the winner!
Your attempts at German are brave, but sadly inaccurate. Clever boy and a gold star for trying.
N,o no, gold is for me and the accordant cusions in a wonderful ambiance too.
just as i thought, if yous are the winners then why, oh why, are yous sitting on a chair, the GRAND GOLDEN THRONE belongs to me, the true winner, where it doent matter if anything matches as i go with anything (dosent sound right) (yet here it does)