Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Karen, what's happened to you - you've turned into an egg!!!! You really should cut down on vitamin D intake.
But a very nice egg! Remember in 5 weeks we have easter. So it's very fitting.
Even though it's me who takes the prize.
Well, the egg bum has gone, I see. I can now stop blushing every time Karen posts. The pointy stick never left my possession. I put hinges on it and now it folds. More concealable that way.
Ah, well, Gesine, you're a good egg, too, but I just can't let you have my prize.
Ooooh! We are getting sharp! It must be that pointy stick.
Nah. Just my brilliant wit and intelligence. If it wasn't for my immense modesty, you would all be blinded by my amazingness.
You just made me break my chair! I fell off it laughing.
yes , the egg is back, i cant find my sxc avatar, so this one will have to do, oh i bet that makes me the WINNER! see that winning Friday feeling, its great, or wait a minute ...................................................
no it my new tonic im taken, apple cider vinegar with "mother", 3 times a day, they say its amazing for you (me) lol,
Well, it's good for getting sump oil off concrete. At least you'll soon be out of the running with an inflamed stomach. now, how to chase off the rest...
A lot of people swear there is nothing better than a few spoons of apple cider vinegar for your health.
Not long ago there was advertisment for that on tv. But I haven't seen this announcement for times....
Oh, nearly forgot this: Saturdays winner
I would like to see any research that supports that. Vinegar is a nasty substance that your body doesn't deal with very well. It inflames everything. I really do use it to get sump oil off concrete. It dissolves it, then you wash the rest off with detergent.
Well, it's Sunday here, so I guess I'm Sunday's winner.
I like vinegar in dressings or for cleaning but not apple-cider vinegar
For cleaning the cheap alternative and for dressings white vine vinegar or balsamic vinegar. I think I prepare some lettuce for lunch.
Actually, I use it to kill weeds, too. It kills all plants, so you have to be careful to get it only where you want it. If it does that to weeds, what is it doing to you?
Lettuce! I love thick salad sandwiches with mountains of crispy lettuce. I'm hungry, but it's 10pm at night, so I'll have to wait until the morning!
It's a good thing that I'm the winner, because I can afford a lot of salad ingredients with a millyun dollers.
I prefer a good BLT. And the million dollars.
Have a nice lettuce!