Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Prize has a second home here by me. It doesn't know yet where the taxes are cheaper.
The taxis are even cheaper here. The prize has come to me!
Taxis - that's right. But I stayed to London and talked to lots of english people who where not confident with the tax rates there. Here its also expensive to be employed. But if you belong to the upper 10 000 or something taxes are cheaper.
And Prize is very prosperous...
In Fresno you are more likely to see the prize with me than seeing a taxi driving down the road. That likelihood keeps going up the way things are looking!
The rich make the laws, so they always give themselves tax breaks. I currently am fighting the taxation department here. They overpaid me. Their mistake, but I couldn't have known. They want the money back. I don't want to give it back. I'll swap them for my firstborn. Of course, they'll have to catch him first.
See? I NEED my millyun dollers, and if you had hearts you would care.
I'm sure that the Lady from Oz will win the Battle of the Taxes
she doesn't need the Prize
so I'll take what's mine
You're welcome to take what's yours. But the prize is mine.
Oh, peel me another grape and stop whining. You all know I have won. Get over it!
Hope you enjoy your peel (the rest of the grape was delicious!).
And I've won!
The funny joking man is here again. Rather amusing, old boy!
@2556 and @2557 Tch! tch! You should know by now - I'm unswattable! (and pretty unignorable too). It all comes down to lots of dodging and plenty of omega 3 in my diet.
The prize approves - I've promised to give him vitamin C with zinc too, so he's come home to me.
It's good to remind ourselves of the incredible tech google uses.
@2562 Great article! It's also worth remembering that Christopher Columbus invented an early form of pigeon communication to help with passing messages between his ships. Linnaeus recognised this notable achievement by giving the pigeon the latin name Columba in his honour.
Slow-moving waterfowl - that would be Bing.
I really want to work at Google as a Spellchecker.
Christopher Columbus wasn't real! He's like Santa. Pshaw!
Anyone that naive can't possibly win.
Gee, I didn't know that you thought Christopher Columbus and Santa were trying to win. It just shows - LOTP attracts all kinds of people. Lol!
Not the entire Antipodes, to be precise. Just one twenty-millionth of it. But we are real. Make no mistake about it. We are real...