Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
@2518 But Gesine, what do you give a chicken if it has a cold?
Having been threatened with too much chicken soup, the prize has turned turkey and come back to me. There, there prizey. You're safe from Ozzymandias with me.
@2523: LOL
I'm so sorry I mentioned the unmentionable word which begins with a "s" and ends with "oup". All I wanted to say is prize with its cold needs tlc(=tender loving care) from - me :)
@2527 - That IS a turkey, silly man. The prize hates the Pomgolian climate - wet, but sometimes wetter - and jumped ship here, leaving his pet turkey, Bruce, under his bedcovers. I hope you and Bruce will be very happy together. Just one thing - he likes a lie in in the morning, so you might want to take him his breakfast on a tray.
Gesine, I promise to give the prize all the tender loving care a spendthrift can. He is a millyun dollers, after all.
Wet but sometimes wetter?? I'm off to glorious Devon for five days with the weather forecasted to be fine and sunny throughout. Should be a good photographic time. I'm also inviting the turkey to dinner...
Oh, and the prize likes the idea of visiting Devon, so is coming with me.
**proud turkey showing it's dinner invitation:
"Look I'm even on the menu!!" **
My gerbils Oscar and Alfred, have grown very fond of Prize
he sleeps in their nest and the gerbils make quite cosy pillows
Glorious Devon? A place named after cheap meat?
Grunn, he hates their droppings, and because you haven't toilet-trained them, he has arrived at my door, smelling of preserved meats and gerbil waste, shivering with fear once he realised you all eat small dead animals, and he is now hiding in my wardrobe.
Oscar and Alfred are strict veganists
I swear!
meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free you name it
only grains, peas, carots, corn and of course pumpkin
gerbils love pumpkin
Mine likes baked potatoes.
(and an occasional corn fed rodent)
Our cats eat everything they can rip. They never would eat e.g. uncooked noodles when I serve them. But ripped - yummy!
My cat is dead, so I don't remember what they eat. but the prize knows YOU eat small dead things - and probably big things, too.
Gesine, all pets eat what they are not supposed to! Cris, say you don't buy the rodents for your cat!
Hmmm - tastes just like my soup. Fit for the winner - me.
I don't think it tastes bad. I can tell by watching the cat.
You are what you eat. Not sure I want some of those characteristics :)
@2537 the Prize doesn't like your holier than thou attitude
so it has left you
for good
I win!
A classic case of transference, if ever I saw one. Sadly, delusional as well. Prizey knows his way home. That's why he was waiting with his little knapsack when I arrived home. There, there, little one. You're safe in your rightful home now.