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Like nature UK, you'll love this!

1. happyture8 November 2011, 10:08 GMT +01:00


626. xymonau24 June 2012, 12:06 GMT +02:00

Yeah, but we'd hafta sqeeze the place up into a little ball like Pomgolia, han' where wood the flippin' sheep go?

627. happyture25 June 2012, 0:07 GMT +02:00

Sheepseys make gud pets and you can eat um when you fed up with um !

628. xymonau25 June 2012, 10:23 GMT +02:00

You strike me as the sort of man who would eat his pets. TSK!

629. happyture25 June 2012, 16:24 GMT +02:00

As long as it dont squeak when i stick me fork in it i'll eat it :O)

630. xymonau26 June 2012, 2:53 GMT +02:00

So rubber ducks are off the menu.

631. happyture26 June 2012, 7:48 GMT +02:00

Most certainly,,,I haven't got the tooth for nothing chewy :O(

632. xymonau26 June 2012, 7:53 GMT +02:00

I still have a toof. Well, 'arf a toof really. On me muvver's side.

633. happyture26 June 2012, 8:00 GMT +02:00

I bet its a sharp one though :O)

634. xymonau26 June 2012, 8:09 GMT +02:00

Like a razor, that toof. Does me legs wiff it.

635. happyture26 June 2012, 8:15 GMT +02:00

Yoo iz lucky yoo can bend that far,,i uses the bread knife on mine, an befour yoo hasks i wash it after :O)

636. xymonau26 June 2012, 9:57 GMT +02:00

Well, I never said they was done proper, diddeye? You duz yor legs?

637. happyture26 June 2012, 10:00 GMT +02:00

Well yes,,make me more hairodynamic dont it,,i can walk faster, me leg hair dont get stuck in the shoppin trolley, and i dont have to tuck me leg hair plats into me socks,,,yeah hall in hall munch hellther :O)

638. xymonau26 June 2012, 10:22 GMT +02:00

Same reason I bites me toenails.

639. happyture29 June 2012, 11:33 GMT +02:00

We has juss sow much in common Dezzie hits amazing init,,I am very busy with Pictures Fantastic on Facebook now as there are over 100 members n growing, its all good fun and as you know images dont have to be limited to what someone else likes or dislikes you can show any image as long as its not sexually perverted or of a undesirable situation, its fun, so Dezzie this is the reason i am not here very often now its because i am playing else where also :O)

640. xymonau30 June 2012, 9:41 GMT +02:00

I know that. I get the emails. I just don't like Facebook. But I'll still look for you. *sigh*

641. happyture30 June 2012, 13:45 GMT +02:00

Bless,, come here i 'll give you a cuddly hug ,,,come on dont be shy :O)

642. xymonau1 July 2012, 12:19 GMT +02:00

Donchoo do that! You're all sweaty!

643. happyture5 July 2012, 8:20 GMT +02:00

SWEATY,,,NO thats baby oil, hime all ready to give you a real Big cuddly cuddle :O)

644. xymonau5 July 2012, 11:05 GMT +02:00

One step closer an' this baby puppy dies!

645. happyture5 July 2012, 15:01 GMT +02:00

Ha ha,, that was funny :O)

646. xymonau5 July 2012, 15:14 GMT +02:00

The puppy is not larfin'!

647. happyture5 July 2012, 15:19 GMT +02:00

Why are his little eyes bulging like that :O(

648. xymonau5 July 2012, 15:30 GMT +02:00

B'corse you is not backing away...

649. happyture6 July 2012, 10:47 GMT +02:00

Oh your such a wicked wicked lady,, its right what Ma said about you :O(

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