mmm, Thinks you dont, made me fizzically sick four months hafter heating it an yoo knows it Mrs :O(
Yeah,,Sooplogged it was,,sodden with putrid bubble soop , made my ill for much long time,,still recovering to bee troofull :O(
Yew no that was a forest critter wot dun that! I allus gets the blame, doneye? Go an' set some traps if yew is still hupset. Yew allus pick on me an my soop. Eyeve wun PRYZES for my soop. Hexterminators LUV it, so there!
Mmm, bet they do, i honely smelt the soop and it rid my nose of nasal hair permanently, never growed back nor me brain cells i losst , i am badger free i think the soop killed him, sad day indeed :O(
Don't kerzaggerate. You never liked him. AN you tole me he mooved out!
Did high say that? high cant remembur saying that,, har yoo sure ?
Me Too,,Cuz for love nor muny i cant remember being at the bottom of our new images,,how long as that been there,,,Dont like such things, i remember something similar happening at SXC, then DEATH,,,do you remember that Dezzie Wezzie :O)
Yes, but the dying didn't die until one Getty images killed it, remember? Those images have been there for a long time now. In one way, it's good, because if people decide they want to sell images, Stockfresh gives the most profit. And, like you, you hardly notice them.
We're having far too much weather here for my liking. Winter is supposed to be dry here, but it has been raining. Princess Grumpy strongly objects to rain. She commands it be switched off at once.
Spose so, still dont like it though,,though is the word for today,,though i dont know why, Rains good, Wales has just been flooded...
Well, that's Wales bein punished for havin' hunpronouncable flippin' names, innit? Can't choo juss call a place normal fings? So many double ells, you all muss sound like you stutters. Maybe you all does! Maybe thass wye you carnt spell rite! Wow! I juss solved the Riddle of the Welsh, an' it's oney mid heevenin'!
Are you in England or Wales?
Ha pot kettle black,, billybillabong creek ,Humpybong, Queensland, Jimcumbilly, NSW, Mount Buggery, Victoria ??? Poowong, Victoria... now just take it back what you sed or i'll go on an on an on .....
You left out Bum Bum creek, but it was an honest mistake.
But none of them starts wiffa DUBBLE ELL, do it? Hey? Wotchoo gottoo say now, halien?
Well we is too polite to talk bout Humpybumpy creek, an Buggery mount,, any way i lives right on the border of England and Wales so i have the best of both...
Shwt? Hainchoo herd of vowels? Penisarwain? Hye rest my case!
An' the huther syde of the hill is no better. Scratchy Bottom? Boghead? An' those are very mild. I blushed - yeass, I wood knot lye! - at most.
Wen you lot hinvaded paradise, yew brung yor odd little ways, dinchoo?
I love this. It's old, but still makes its point so well today. (Speaking of invading paradise! LOL)
We had to watch that at uni - gosh, that's so long ago now! I was glad to find it online. Given it was made on no budget, it was very clever. Some terrible acting, but it was scripted well, and as you said - true.
I am eating too much junk food again. Being in Brisbane has been an excuse to eat garbage, and I went shopping down there on my way home last time, and bought the most awful rubbish in an Aldi store. We have an Aldi here, but I was hungry, and stopped in to get something else, but ended up buying sweets and more chocolate mints (they have a brand with no milk). I have been eating junk not because I'm enjoying it, but because it's there. I'm into the sesame snaps tonight. I AM enjoying those, but I need to have some decent food.
Naught naughty Gurl, its just as easy to eat good stuff as bad, salads and the like, soops, i eat a lot of soups,easy and quick, bit of wholemeal bread with it and hey presto meal for one and healthy too... Hey,,,Dezzie, let me tell you a story, i was told to wear a earth magnet bracelet to help with joints/blood everything really, so i bought one, now before i go any further i should say the my cholesterol was quite high, and my blood sugar was slightly raised, any way after wearing this thing for 3 months my blood test came back fine, just high pressure, also my Arthritis has eased,,, try one Dezzie you aint got nothing to loose have you, they are not expensive i got mine off ebay but you can get them from hippy earth shops etc :O) working for me anyway..
Well, I'll try anything once, particularly if it helps. And I don't care if it's a placebo effect, if it eases the pain. Earth magnet. I'll look for one. thank you.
Yes, I still love decent food. I had a huge feed of paw-paw, cherries and strawberries last night. I had planned veggies, but I was too tired to cook. Glad I didn't. It made me feel so much better. Fruit is so good for you.
To be honest Dezzie i will eat anything in moderation, i dont over eat anything now really, i dont like fatty things like cream or fatty meat i just will not eat it, give me fish any day,,Yeah give the earth magnet bracelet a try leave it on 100% of the time and see if it works for you, its true, i couldn't believe it when doc said,,Your blood work if fine Mr Happy its just your twisted sense of humour that is way from normal and sadly we can do anything for that :O(
A muzzle? That might work.
I was being much better a few weeks ago. I do find it hard to stay on top of the best foods living in motel rooms. But I haven't fallen completely off the wagon. I had a lovely plate of steamed veges for lunch. And I have some polenta custard (soy milk) to have with fresh fruit tonight. The sugar thing has got me again. Only because I have it in the house. I do need something sweet plus some caffeine on the long drive to Brisbane, as I get sleepy, and I did have a micro sleep once, which scared me. It came without warning, so now I ensure I'm wide awake with high blood sugar for the whole trip. And I bought some lollies at the supermarket to have on the way, but I've been making regular trips down there lately and I seem to have a bank of junk. And I get tempted and eat it. I can resist anything except temptaion.
Dezzie Lollipops? have you tried Glaucous tablets,,I used them when i was working as my job was very physical and i burned loads of energy off really fast, they kept me going all day and are low in calories, they also get into your blood stream much faster than sugar, they could do with making the roads shorter between cities in Oztralia,,,,would make the journey much faster :O)