Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
An' where you been? I cooked a three course meal for you an' you wasn't here! Had to eat the lot, I did.
Ohhh... hello everyone. I must have fainted. It was the shock of what I was accused of. Good job I'm made of sturdy stuff and can withstand life's knocks (and Dez's pointy stick).
Ah, but not my feminine wiles or my Boadicea outfit! *winks boldly*
See you dunit again, Kevin,,,,,,Kevin,,,,,,,oh pass me that bucket of water would you Dezzie, he's out cold again...
Nope. He has to man up an' face a attack of this nature. You can.
Yeah but i iz a man o the world, ive been stabbed, bashed, and bashed some more, but those thighs of yours dezzie do some thing to a man :O)
It's the knitted pantyhose, ain't it? I knew when I was knittin' them that I would stop traffic!
Tell you gurl, you knows how to dress for effect dont ya :O)
You should see what I'm wearin' now. Yer heart would stop.
Dont Dezzie, be gentle with me please, can i open me eyes now Dezzie?? Dezzie?? Ahhh come on, Dezzie you just not playin fair today are ya, naughty gurl :O)
An what's wrong with my tracky daks? An' my pink furry slippers? An' my striped jumper? Too entrancin' for ya, that's wot.
Come on now Kevin you can't tell me that dezzie's attire aint stirin up a storm :O)
Gifted the word that springs to mind while thinking of you Dezzie Gifted !!!!
You're ony sayin that because it's true, aincha? Or mebbe you likes my hosiery.
Oh no, Dez, I like you. It's just the...accoutrements. Mikey, where are you? A chap needs a bit of male support in a tricky situation like this.
Hello,,was just letting you stew there a bit kevin, ive got to be honest though Kevin those knee length draws of dezzie's get me hot under the collar phewww
Well, you shouldn't wear them under your collar! Don't you know how ladies complain about the insulating properties of starched winceyette?
Not until i wore them, think i,ll go back to commando style , cuts back on the washing dun it :O)
I had to look that up on wikipedia! You dirty devil! Putcher knickers on or I'll tell yer Mam!
As for you, moff, you knows way too much about women's frillies to jus' be a hinnocent bystander! I reckon you is a snowdropper!