Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
You diddent hear me, did you, Mikey? I sayed, "YOU ARE JUST GOIN' TO HAFTA BUY ANOTHER PACKET"! Now don't get me hangry. You knows what I is like when I is hangry. An' I still has the teefs, so beware!
no knead to be like that, I shall get sum out the reduction basket today four yoo OK, they might be out a date a bit, a bit soft when yoo bites um but they is OK i always has um an they aint done me know Arm :O)
I am eating vege chips (crisps) right now - made from purple and yellow sweet potatoes and yams. Not bad. A little different, but tasty. They cost an arm and a leg, but I wanted to try them. So I'll let you off from the biskits for now. I pride meselluf on bein' fair.
What a shame,,what a crying shame,,I is doing healthy eating now, no more crisps. An' they are individual, not striped.
It's uncanny how that happened with me an' the crisps, jus' like you an' MY biskits, innit?
Tonight we dine on South African soy schnitzels. Inna bun. Well, inna tiger crust bread stick. I got home too late to cook veges. They're rather nice, too. And I stocked up on spring water because I refuse to drink the fluoridated muck that is being foisted on us now.
Dont know what im avin yet, gonna be a surprise, whatever tin falls out the cupboard....
That's a good way of choosing, until the glass sauce bottle falls out the cupboard and smashes all over the tiles. (A couple of days ago.) When I moved here I thought tiles in the kitchen would be a dream to keep clean. But I have dropped so many things here, and none have ever survived. Even my frypan! it now has an interesting shape. *sigh*
No bread on special tonight (the breadstick was only 60 cents), so I had tofutti, tomatoes and onion powder on bread rolls, and I fried them. They were so yummy. I quite like vegetarian food. I still eat meat - take aways - but I am going to try to cut back a bit. I look like the back of a bus these days.
Well, it was jam and sardine sandwiches mmmm, my favourites, wonder what will fall out tonight :O(
No,,,,Why? whats wrong with that, it was sort of sweetly fishy ok really :O)
Well, it definitely sounds fishy to me. I once knew a fellow who used to eat vegemite and jam together. Now that is unspeakable. But I watched him make and eat this a lot. UUrgh!
Sounds yummy to me, its you women you likes all this posh stuff like soup in a basket, and sandwiches cut into triangles Errrrrrrrr??? Triangles????
Yes, those would be three-cornered shapes? And your problem? Actually, I take great slabs of bread to work. Cutting the sangers makes them fall apart. I am no lady.
I dont beeleeve yoo four a second, yoo l@@ks like a lady, you got laffing eyes and smiley teefs so you is a lady. :O)
Ah, I HAD those things. Now I'm more like a shar-pei, fleas 'n all.
Ha ha ha ha oooooooooooh ha ha ha ha stop it you naughty gurl,,,,made me laff like that, folks iz looking at me strangererer than normal nows!!!
Dez! I'm so excited! I found a picture of you from way back on Flickr!
It is you, isn't it? I recognise the pointy stick.
Now i shall just wait here peacefully waiting for the scream like a banshee when our dezzie see's the picture that KEVIN THE MICROMOTH put on... did i hear footsteps???
Why, yes, that's me. Taken in the early 70s - you can tell by the miniskirt and boots. But that was my blunt stick. I was a mere pup then. I was rather proud of my lumpy thighs. Do you like them, Kevin? *bats eyelashes* Is that what's exciting you? I did have to give Mum back her saucepan lid when I was finished.
Mikey, You knows I ony screams like a banshee when you sucks all the choklit offa the almonds! Ruins the taste.
OH,,,,,,oh that was rather mild dezzie, I think its those child bearing thighs and sturdy legs that have attracted our Kevin to you Dezzie, Yeah, like a Micromoth to a flame :O)
Oh dear dear dear, here put this towel around you, poor Kevin has gone into silent shock, naughty you iz playing tricks onhim likes that :O)