Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
What was that phrase I learned in school? In French, I think.
Oh, yes. "Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose" (The more things change, the more they stay the same.)
There's no point arguing over who won. I did, a long time ago. Did no one tell you, or are you all still listening to the soup witch? Give up. Now. For you're own sanity
Here's a stumble discovery that might amuse.
I always thought that ""Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose" meant that Mom had taken all my coins.
You Pomgolians are multi skilled little losers, hey? Jimbo!!! Where ya been?? It's no fun bashing the same people alla time. I need some old tough variety sometimes! I love the link.
Well, this is a lovely welcome to my Sunday morning - a man in a frock and an insect. Both with delusional content. Never mind, they can keep each other amused while my servant peels me a grape. See the privileges of winning?
Thanks for pointing it out - please pass me another peeled grape.
And it IS nice to be the winner. You lot can only imagine what it's like. Macromouth, here you go. Swallow it all at once. Good boy! I prepared that one specially for you. It has been nice knowing you...
I ees sorry - I spit him out!
Not nice, I know, but I is still alive. And I is the winner!
:-) :-)
Some CNS effects, anyway. He seems to have developed a Mexican accent - a very bad one. No wonder Jimbo comes in rarely. He'd need an interpreter.
CNS - Caustic Noxious Soup? I'm okay thanks; it was just a Mexican wave.
No longer a threat as I have have an ample supply of Ozzie's Toxic Soup Antidote on hand. (if I am able to get to it in soon enough after being dosed by Dez.)
Jolly good - I'm told it also works against rattlesnakes.
Unfortunately, the reason Cris said, "if I am able to get it in" is because the antidote is contained only in a suppository the size of a football. Good luck. You are meant to throw it at a rattlesnake. Was that Mexican wave your farewell wave? Given up already?
Avoiding any open discussion of suppositories, I will remind you that the best offense is a good defense.
Just as long as I have caused some offense, I am a happy woman.
@1336 No, a Mexican wave is a wave of victory! You may bow now.
Although I reside in the darkest reaches of the Antipodes - white sandy beaches, whale watching, glorious hinterland - I have heard of a Mexican wave. I wondered what a Pomgolian was doing waving in a foreign language. At last, I realised, it's because all your waves are of nausea at the thought that a colonial has, indeed, won.
Bows in victory, lacy handkerchief waving at the crowds - in English.
lacy might come of as racy, but if its racing, I'd be first to be the last!
Thank you one and all, that seems conclusive - I'm the winner!
Convulsive? Yes! Laughter always does that to me. You make I larf so hard with your funniness. Kray and the mothman, together at last in their losingness.
don't jump into a conclusion so soon. it ain't over until the fat lady sings...