Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Will two out of three do? I'm a bit pink, but I qualify on the others. Maybe I could hold my breath or something. Anyway, I've already won, so watching you lot argufy about winning gives me great amusingments.
Another of your Pomgolian mates? Well, keep your private fights off this board. You have too much to deal with already.
I'm in the dark regarding stanley unwin, I do like Stanley Ipkiss though, he's not blue but quite green and entertaining.
Who are these people? Are they important? Are they - shudder - ac-tors? In the Antipodes we have a cure for acting. We record soap operas and feed them to Pomgolia. Even Septica used to watch - may we be forgiven - Prisoner.
Stanley Ipkiss is The Mask, you need one of those masks here to survive the sticks and soups and also to keep some harmless opposition humored :P
Stanley Unwin developed an ingenious and comic form of English that led to a broadcasting and stage career. There's an article on him at
He famously once described Elvis Presley and his contemporaries as being "wasp-waist and swivel-hippy".
But there we are; information does take a long time to filter through to the Far Side. :-b
I did have a peep at who the gentleman was... but I'd rather prefer ipkiss, cos he for made an entertaining line here :)
...reminds me of the 'Carry On' series from the yore! there were these cheap popular movies... low budget & humorous. they made a lot of them...
its 'Carry On Winning' here :)
Ah yes, I still remember Kenneth Williams' notorious line, "Infamy, infamy, everyone's got it in for me!" as he played Caesar being stabbed by a group of conspirators with pointy sticks. I think I've remembered that right...
Well, you lot can carry on. The winner has arrived and she doesn't need you hangin' about. That's me. Just in case you said, "Where is she, then?" That's my version of a George Bush pre-emptive attack.
Good. Well, off you go, then. We won't tolerate any carrying on here, young fellers.
Young! Did you hear that? - I've been called young! ...[sighs contentedly]... No way am I going anywhere else now!
Oh, no you don't! *shoves the old man through a gate, and firmly slams it* Can't have the neighbours see me bein' nice to a Pomgolian. They'll think I've lost the plot.
But not the last post. All mine, that is. Why don't you fight each other for a while? I'm a bit weary.
The last post? Isn't that what the cavalry bugler plays before a full retreat? Lol!
I thought it was when someone died. They always play it during our ANZAC Day services. No, it's a sunset one, I think.
Ah, stop trying to confuzzle me, insect man. I is cranky today. (I hear him think, "No change, then".)