Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
You need a Big Acme Diabolical Anti-soup Shower shield (BADASS). But there's only one and I have it so I guess I'll just stand here and watch everyone else melt before I declare myself the winna!
Evil laff.
...not unless you know how to stop the soup maker !
the evil laugh looked especially convincing with that avatar :)
How soup is supposed to look http://www.rgbstock.com/photo/mtJCeAw
This kind doesn't continue to boil after it is cool!!
this looks like volcano :)
Whereas this one looks more, er, organic :)
Not sure what she was thinking here but this looks a bit TOO ORGANIC!!
(actually just kids enjoying an old fashioned hot tub :)
@1208 That reminds me of the old gag that says "I love children - but I could never eat a whole one".
@1208, one label can make that image as something else entirely. the tub does look like a large bowl! I've never seen anything like that before ( I reside in a warm/ humid climate)
It is a cauldron used to cook large batches. This one is particularly big.
At our house we would just use an electric crock pot. In the Antipodes, Dez finds a cauldron more suitable for her batches of soup.
For some strange reason this reminds me of sugaring mixture, a concoction that lepidopterists brew up. It's a mixture of molasses, old beer and rotting fruit, especially banana. Using an old paintbrush, they paint it onto a series of tree trunks, fences, etc. - anywhere suitable where one wouldn't get arrested! - shortly before dusk. Moths flying at dusk find it very attractive and come to feed on it. They also become drunk from the alcohol, making them easy to catch. So all the lepidopterist has to do is wander to and fro with a torch capturing them into little pots. Honest, I'm not making this up - I've seen it done.
The Italian soup looks like vomit.
I have never understood the appeal of eating food that burns your insides. Does it make you high or something? Because there seems to be no flavour or pleasure in it.
What reminds you of sugaring mixture, macmouth?
None of you has any idea. I make stunning soup, and no-one suffers. It's so cold lately, I think I'll make some tomorrow. You would be invited if you were nice to me. Even if you are losers.
@1213 I'm fascinated by the idea of stunning soup. Is this because it's so cold or because you hit people with it? ROFL
stun: "To daze or render senseless, by or as if by a blow."
No one suffers until the regain their senses :)
I'm sure your edible soup is delicious! Then there is that other kind....
No-one who learns of the other kind lives to tell the tale. It's all hearsay...
You must mean heresy. All jealous of the goddess of soup. Yet they overlook the rightful leader of LOTP. IMHO I commend myself.
The goddess of soup? That would be Vapida, I think, married to the god Borborigma. But who is this god Imho? Sounds like an obscure deity.
IMHO is obscure only to the those who are not at the top. :)
Okay, I'm writing to someone to demand a law against these excruciating puns! I nearly spat my gazpacho all over the computer only I'm not sure if it is or not 'cause it has corned beef.
it's all getting very corny here. I like corn in my soup, but my beef is with the thread being twisted into a foreign-soup-liming group.
I'm more puzzled why Dez's computer has corned beef. Is this why it has a hard drive? :)
Oh, I didn't want to make things too easy for a computer, so I made the drive harder. One day it will thank me for it.
Kray, I agree about the corn. A man of your delicate disposition can only take so much.