Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Unipolar? The media are so right: universities are never adequately heated!
so, combining the last two posts, are we talking about the solar bears ?
I guess so. Solar power is such a hot topic it's really cool. Doesn't bear thinking about.
I can't envision a solar bear at the South Pole eating a Klondike bar.
@1086 I agree. Those bears have big appetites, but eating a whole Klondike bar? Seems a little greedy.
I CAN imagine a drop-bear eating an American's head. They like the crunch of seashells, too. They stomp on moths.
Only if they can catch them! [Whizzes into lead yet again!]
That's because I'm way at the back of the queue - last place. The winning spot.
But did you get the moth outa the lead, first??
Just as well he's not British, then.
One can only imagine what macromouth's middle name is.
So you keep saying, gumby - if I am not mistaken! AHA! Caught you in your flimsy disguise. I know a loser when I see one, an' I'm lookin' at you, sunshine!
I just watched Avatar and in the beginning, he too used a pointy stick and soon found it to be an unworthy defense as you will discover too soup lady!
'Cept I doesn't need defense. You lot is too weak to frighten me.
Oh, I'm not bothered about frightening anyone. I'm just clearly the winner.
oh bother, too much noise, clearly that's it!
@1104 Poor chap ! Someone should tell him to blow and not suck. LOL