Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Well wipe that smile off your face, Cris de Fraud. You lose. I win.
I really faked you out this time!
Ah, you win the full stop championship. I win this contest.
But I cross the finish line through the gauntlet of pointed stick and flying boomerangs. Jumping across crocs heads like stepping stones and avoiding the soup pits of death, I make it over the line.
You tell a great lie, sir, I'll grant you that. But apart from pointy sticks and soup, the fabrication is not believable. Back to the losing position with you.
Is it a lie, or is it a story? Are then fiction writers liars? While you are busy pondering the question, I will politely take the lead.
That lead is plugged into a socket. No namby pamby American voltage, either. Good old Antipodean 240 volts for you! Hold the end tightly and stand over here in this pool of water would you?
We have 220V wired to each house for heavy appliances and I'm afraid that's just a tickle. if you come up with a Tazer mounted on your stick then there is going to be sparks flying in this thread for the lead.
Hah! The woman from Interpol has given up the chase and I can make sole claim of the lead and the win to my heart's content.
Just one more day without opposition and I win by default. Is that not the rule?
No one here to answer. Just what I thought. As quiet as an echo chamber in a vacuum.
We can bump this thread up to a thousand until she's back :P
hope her hiatus isn't long.... might have withdrawal symptoms there :P
That's a very personal question! A gentleman wouldn't ask. :)
The length of one's hiatus does sound personal :)
Perhaps if the withdrawal systems get too severe she will ingest some of her soup.
oh well, It was all meant in jest. no offense ... (I meant something like MIA...)
the soup finally will have some purpose! :P
There was no offense. A long hiatus sounds like a physical attribute and worthy of making some humor with it.
That said puts me back in the lead saddle.