Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins
1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
746. crisderaud21 May 2010, 5:56 GMT +02:00

Wen you kills de chook you gots chooken.
Luck dat up on yo Goggle!
747. xymonau22 May 2010, 15:31 GMT +02:00

A weak hero, if ever I saw one! Izzat all you gots, homeboy?
748. crisderaud22 May 2010, 17:35 GMT +02:00

Oh yeah!! They is plenty mo. I jess don wanna shows you it all at one time!
749. micromoth23 May 2010, 7:18 GMT +02:00

Maybe so, but I'm the winner! (An example of fowl play?)
750. xymonau23 May 2010, 10:46 GMT +02:00

Egads! A pun! Kill it, quickly!
751. crisderaud23 May 2010, 13:48 GMT +02:00

I think that pun layed an egg :)
But nice try on winning this thing.
752. micromoth23 May 2010, 14:48 GMT +02:00

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Nope, still winning...
753. crisderaud23 May 2010, 16:33 GMT +02:00

You are still "wanting to win".

Me 2, but too bad... in time someone will stell my last post
755. micromoth24 May 2010, 13:50 GMT +02:00


757. micromoth24 May 2010, 17:09 GMT +02:00

Never mind - you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
759. micromoth24 May 2010, 23:17 GMT +02:00

:) :)
761. xymonau25 May 2010, 3:55 GMT +02:00

I go away for a day and this whole thread deteriorates! Begone, losers! The winner is back!
762. krayker25 May 2010, 4:50 GMT +02:00

'The winner is back!'
thank you for welcoming me, Dez.
763. crisderaud25 May 2010, 6:03 GMT +02:00

Not so fast you two! It may be afternoon there, but it's still a decent hour Monday night here.
764. micromoth25 May 2010, 6:48 GMT +02:00

Sorry Cris, but being on the Greenwich meridian, we Londoners get there first!

And we dutch second :D
766. xymonau25 May 2010, 10:36 GMT +02:00

Well, I live further in the future than all of you, and that gives me insight. I hereby officially predict that I win. And Kray! For shame, twisting my words like that. You said you were a gentleman!
767. krayker25 May 2010, 11:24 GMT +02:00

...last post!
768. micromoth25 May 2010, 13:07 GMT +02:00


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