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Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins

1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.

5402. xymonau16 February 2015, 11:29 GMT +01:00

A bruvver wif anuvver muvver?

5403. micromoth16 February 2015, 17:44 GMT +01:00

Indeed, my little antipodean friend.

5404. xymonau17 February 2015, 13:09 GMT +01:00

You can't confuse me with that "friend" business. This is war, and it has to be black and white. You stole my prize. Therefore you have blighted my life and I shall dislocate your bally jaw.

5405. micromoth17 February 2015, 20:18 GMT +01:00

Lol! The Prize and I rest safe and secure, knowing that neither of us has a bally jaw but only normal ones. According to Wikipedia, "The term baile, anglicised as "bally", is the most dominant element used in Irish townland names. Whilst today the term "bally" denotes a town or urban settlement, its precise meaning in ancient Ireland is unclear, as towns had no place in Gaelic social organisation." So that settles that.

5406. Groningen17 February 2015, 22:51 GMT +01:00

so it's a taunt, Dez is saying you have no chin!
Consider how damaged Prize is, having to live with that abominable female!

5407. micromoth18 February 2015, 18:10 GMT +01:00

Not to worry, Christine, Prize is safe and undamaged in my care.

5408. Groningen19 February 2015, 0:01 GMT +01:00

For now all is quiet Down Under, but for how long?

5409. xymonau19 February 2015, 4:31 GMT +01:00

We are experiencing cyclone conditions (not a direct hit) and the hatches have to be battened for a bit. I will allow the prize a brief holiday, but he must come home to help with the cleanup and fix the roof if necessary.


5410. micromoth19 February 2015, 7:59 GMT +01:00

Goodness! Hope you survive unscathed.

Prize declines your kind invitation to fix your roof and cleanup.

5411. xymonau19 February 2015, 15:17 GMT +01:00

I'm more concerned about the power going off as the strong winds always bring that risk. The rain has been belting down all day. Good for the tank, and I wish I had a second tank as I think it would fill rapidly right now. I've filled a few containers with water as the pump from the tank is electric and the gravity feed is very weak. My house is low blocked and drainage isn't good as out roads have no water runoff or stormwater drains (we are in the country), so some water can actually come inside if it gets too hairy out there. If I had any brains I'd stock a few sandbags, but the yard itself doesn't flood and water runs down to my back neighbour's property.

Tell the prize his mummy says "hello".

5412. xymonau20 February 2015, 7:30 GMT +01:00

The cyclone has so far not even touched us except for rain and wind last night. It's sunny outside with lots of patches of blue sky, and not the slightest breeze. It was a category 5 when it hit the coast, but seems to be travelling slowly and in a sort of curve. With any luck we'll miss out completely. Really odd as south of us is having the wind and rain and flooding. My sister and her husband were cutting hay near a place called Biloela, and it was supposed to be in the direct path, but they were also having a calm day earlier. Really odd.

5413. micromoth26 July 2015, 20:00 GMT +02:00

Phew! The Prize thinks it's safe to come out now. He really doesn't like cyclones.

5414. xymonau26 July 2015, 20:35 GMT +02:00

Now you wait just one minute. You can't hide the prize from me. I am last again, and that means I get first prize.

5415. micromoth26 July 2015, 21:27 GMT +02:00

Last? First? You're confusing me.

5416. xymonau28 July 2015, 6:32 GMT +02:00

So easily done.

5417. micromoth28 July 2015, 12:17 GMT +02:00

True, but not enough to win the Prize!

5418. xymonau28 July 2015, 12:52 GMT +02:00

Correct. But I can win the prize because I am not at all confused. In fact, I'm the least confused prize winner on the planet. Why, whole galaxies celebrate my lack of confusion.

5419. micromoth30 July 2015, 14:57 GMT +02:00

Erm, who exactly on these galaxies has been doing the celebrating?

5420. xymonau30 July 2015, 20:46 GMT +02:00

The Inter-galactic Federation, for starters. Are you impressed?

5421. micromoth2 August 2015, 21:53 GMT +02:00

Umm... well, contemplating it for ooh, let's see, at least five seconds.... No.

5422. xymonau3 August 2015, 5:44 GMT +02:00

Your lack of concentration is a barrier to your true appreciation of facts. Functional people gasp in wonderment.

5423. micromoth3 August 2015, 8:25 GMT +02:00


5424. xymonau3 August 2015, 12:10 GMT +02:00

I rest my case.

5425. micromoth3 August 2015, 20:09 GMT +02:00

Jolly good idea. I'd hate you to get wrist-ache from lugging it around too much.

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