Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Oh, you mean where you scratched YOUR name in instead of MINE? Typo, indeed. Unhand that trophy. I have a spot for it on my shelf.
tsjk tsjk tsjk
read last post on previous page ;-)
I really expected you to react on that
than again I never get people
never gave, never will
consolation? Prize.
I finally saw it, but I'm sorry - that doesn't entitle you to my prize. I am a shining, sparkly winner, and I drank all the champagne, too. hic
oh dear!
That wasn't champagne
it was shampoo
you must be blowing bubbles now!
I swallowed a bottle of conditioner to counter the effects.
you can smooth talk even faster now?
*it's late sorry for my Dinglish ;-)
Your English is perfect. Almost as good as my smooth talk.
Yes, smooth....very smooth.
But I have won this game, a long time ago.
Well, I really must explain that. You see, you did think you had won, and I acknowledge that. but fate is cruel, and the sad truth is that I am the only qualified winner around. I can't help but win. I am like a magnet to victory. I can't help it. What can I say?
Prize is afraid of you Dez
that is the cruel truth
there's no getting around it
therapy hasn't helped
The princess prize can suck it up. The chains are not coming off.
Sorry, I thought you were the prize. It's quite dark in here. Hold still a moment and I'll get those off.
few, that's better, thank you.
You do realise that in the confusion Prize escaped.
Ah, but I put peanut butter on that jammer and the prize mistook it for a sandwich and chewed it into little pieces and ate it.
You put a sandwich on the prize to jam the tracker? Evil and brilliant.