Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Will someone get a bucket, please? An you can stop trying to open that cage? Why, if he had been allowed out, he'd be in the same state! And Christine hasn't been in since the celebrations. Lord knows what state SHE'S in! TSK!
I wasn't tryin to get him out. I woz puttin im backin, so there. Thrzzzzzzzzz hic.
Ah, just got messaged, my son and his family landed in Perth, Oz, at 3 this afternoon. That's your time of course. I've told them to avoid anything described as soup, just in case.
Given that he's nearly 4.5 thousand kilometres away, he may be safe. But I can't promise anything. I have a sister who lives there...
Will they be here for long? Are they scurrilous alcohol imbibers like your good self? Should I notify the police or something? And will they only stay in WA or will they come to the eastern states?
As for the prize - I have no idea of what prestidigitation you may have performed to break him free then encage him a gain, but I have now put laser beams around the lock, and your fingers will fry next time. You have been warned.
1. Neither my son, his wife or my 4 grandchildren drink alcohol.
2. I've told them to stay away from the east as much as possible, you can't be too careful.
3. Stop using big words that you don't understand ( beams, around, fingers etc.)
4. Have a cracking new year lass, you deserve it :0)
And ditto to you, Phil. 2014 is pregnant with possibilities. Thank goodness it isn't me.
“Wherever you live in the world so wide,
We wish you a nook on the sunny side,
With much love and little care,
A little purse with money to spare,
Your own little hearth when the day is spent,
In a little house with hearts content.”
I've never had to show my ID before when I won, but here's my driver's licence, and ignore the photo. That was me when I was a man.
that happens to the best of us
but you did disqualify
right at the beginning
the one who organizes the match
cannot be a competitor at the same time
Prize, we are going home.
Police you have to arrest that baldie with the funny accent
he has taken something of great value from me!
*2 seconds later*
Thank you officer.
Takes Prize home for decontamination.
*lurking n the decontaminator is the fiendish dez - grabs the prize as Christine dips him in and snorkles down the drainpipe, prize held tightly as he struggles in vain to escape*
Dread, what a nuisance!
*hacks DPWW (DrainPipesWorldWide) computer-system and redirects flow back to start, and out plops Prize! Turns direction of flow again and down gurgles Dez*
Sorry girls, you're fighting over the decoy that prize and I had made. Another JD prize ?
What's a JD prize? No, the decoy was cleverly slipped into the sleeping bag you gave the prize to sleep in. Fooled ya! I win!
Slammer? How very American of you! LOL
*dez climbs up through the toilet in Christine's place and mentally thanks her for the fresh, white towels she uses to make herself presentable; sneaks through and finds the prize (hiding in a cage with gerbils? clever!) and liberates him by stuffing him in her knapsack and running like blazes out the front door*
the front door is not the way out :P
*Dez falls down stairs and slams into the real front door*
Oh Prize I hope you're not hurt, did that big woman fell on top of you?
Come I'll take care of you.
Big woman !? Have you got a death wish my dear ? This is Dez of the pointy stick and soup dragon here and you're calling her big ? I'm stepping back into a bar with prize. We aren't going anywhere, just going to watch the fun. It was nice knowing you Christine.
Ah, there is where you underestimate sisterhood, grandfather! "Big" is right - tall and wide - and more than capable of wresting the prize from your cold, dead fingers. If you get my drift...
That's nice that is! Here am I, the perfect gentleman, defending the little flower known to millions as Dez the delicate and she turns on me. I hadn't even run of with the prize, just sat down with him for a little refreshment. Well, we've legged it now, and we're not saying where to, so there, na na na na na.
After that brief musical interlude, I follow you. You see, I live in darkest Australia, home of the best trackers in the world. I can follow you through rivers and across solid concrete, night and day. You can't elude me, old man. You might as well be wearing a neon sign (particularly in that loud shirt; a gift?)
Now, don't turn around suddenly or the little flower might get nervous and this stick has a hair trigger. Hand over that prize, and walk away politiely.