Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Oh, I'm in trouble can you keep the prize until sunday? There is a lot to do here and prize needs a lot of attention (little stupid nice thing). I can give some snow for that ;-)
In a bottle or in a plastic bag? I think plasic package with prize on it. So to say prize on the rocks. He can calm his mind this way...
That will do nicely, thank you. I'll wait by the mailbox...
Send. The address is
Dez, Australia
Hope the postman will hurry up.
That's the address. They all know me. Now, if the snow melts, naturally, the deal is off.
It's already Sunday now I keep the prize back to here - guarded be all our pets.
I wonder, you didn't get the snow???????
No, we did. Sorry Dez, looks like the post got misdirected again.
A fine kettle of fish! I stood outside in all the weather, waiting for my snow, and it went to Grandfather! I'm very disappointed now. There's no telling what I might do...
You could always dip the old pointy stick in your soup and get the postman , or even the weather man :0)
I hope Mr. Gramps is exactly viewing the temperature of the snow package. It is a little freezen Container You must get it from him Dez. All snow was melting away her the last 2 days.
I would dearly love to travel to Britain to pick up a small package of snow. Honestly. But I have another appointment, so Grandfather is going to have to bring it here. I hope he can swim.
I think he knows about the flood. May be he could bring to you in a rubber dinghy. I saw your pictures at facebook. A dinghy might be an idea to get yourself save in the worst case.
He'd better bring that dinghy quickly as the water is going down. He might have to carry the thing from the airport. Since that's in another town, it's quite a walk.
I was thinking of getting moffs to fly it in but I haven't been able to find him.
He got bored, I guess. But if you don't get the ice here shortly, it will be autumn, and I won't want it any more.
Well, moths are people, too, and they make choices. He's found an electric light to bash himself against somewhere. If they don't pay the power bill, he'll be back.
Dear Dez
Well I did try email but It made a mess of the screen, similar problem with Skype, so I've sent it by Express Snail Mail and told him to get his skates on. You should get it in time for next summer as long as the brown paper bag holds out. You should have fun popping the bubble wrap if nothing else. In the mean time, I've asked the local Air Force boys to buzz your house several times a day as the airflow through the jet engines should be enough to cool you off.
As a last resort I've given the prize a palm leaf and a bunch of grapes. As long as he fans you with the leaf and feeds you the grapes, not the other way around, all should be well.
I'm a bit partial to a juicy palm frond.
What a relief! I thought America had taken my declaration of war seriously! I thought I'd have to dig a fall-out shelter. But it was only you being thoughtful. Shovel goes back to the shed, then.
You must be a complete hammer chewer not to be able to email a small packet of snow. You disappoint me, grandfather.
Snail mail is a good company. You will forget what you have ordered, and sometimes a suprise package is standing in front of your door.
And when you realise you actually purchased a coffee mug shaped like a camera lens, you wonder, "What WAS I thinking?!"
Surprise, surprise! Sometimes things will be forgotten
Need more snow? I'm now again able to send some.