Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I didn't take anything! You can count all your silver cutlery.
But first you have to get the prize money...
Hehehe ;-)
You appear to have an incorrect understanding of the word, "correct". But then, you probably don't even understand what I just said. You are between a rock and a hard place. Both of which, incidentally, are your noggin.
Don't be silly, I don't have two heads. Though perhaps getting another would be useful, as I get headaches with having so much brainpower in just one cranium. So I'm confident in declaring correctly that I'm the winner.
Ooh, thanks for the title, but Count won't suffice. I was thinking of Emperor...
There you are! I had your dinner in the oven for weeks and weeks, but Kevin ate it. I think it was decomposed and that has caused his delusions. He now thinks he's royalty. If you had been here, Gesine, you could have kept him in line.
I will let you carry the prize for a while. I know you missed him.
Your are so kind. Well I was ill. I had a bad cold for weeks. But now it seems its over. I can hear again I can speak again, headacches are gone and now it goes on :D
I'm so sorry to hear that, Gesine! I hope you are back to normal now - or at least soon. When things drag on they drain your energy so much. Just for that, I will let you have the prize for a little longer before I demand it back. I AM kind, aren't i?
@4865 So sorry to hear you have been unwell, Gesine, but glad you're evidently feeling much better now. I've missed your support in helping keep Dez in line ;-)
As for this notion that Dez has the prize - don't listen! It's the same issue as her thinking that she has silver cutlery when actually it's imitation. The real prize is safe with me, and I'm looking after him very well.
See, Gesine? He is so deluded he thinks I eat with cutlery!
Well, I wasn't going to mention what you really do...
And that's because in the land in which you dwell the rainbow unicorns frown when you are rude to others.
I drew those pictures and sang those songs for my little niece. She likes fairy stories. I had no idea that you thought they were real!