Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I have no idea what the frog song is, so your bom-boms are wasted on me.
The frog song
Winner :-)
Careful! Don't tread on it! I expect Dez planted it.
You still remember the game 'minesweeper'( e.g. http://www.minesweeper-online.net/)?
I used to be very good in that.
I have never understood it. You are a wonder, Gesine. But not a winner, sadly. You have to join ranks with the Moff, who is the losingest loser I have ever met.
Lol! What jokes you tell, Dez! Everyone knows I'm the natural winner here.
Running around without your clothes is not "nature" - it's illegal.
Okay, if you say so. I wouldn't know, as it's not something I do, but I take your word for it.
(*Sheesh! The habits of these colonials!*)
Poor Pomgolians. I guess their blue skin confuses them into thinking they're wearing something.
lol, the frog song, superb, watch mothy the frog might get you,
" I guess their blue skin confuses them into thinking they're wearing something"
thats so funny, i am pure white with blue vains,my brother calls me the road map of britian. or he will say, karen, have you been white washing your legs again,lol
now thats got to make me the winner,
Karen, the AA and RAC are both interested. But I'm the winner.
As for Ms Oz, well really! Surely she should know that the only Brits with blue skin are the Conservatives. Oh, and the Royals (but not the corgis).
lol, thats superb, kevin. but im the winner, you know it !
hi Kevin - yes, I don't like to make a fuss. Just post the award direct & we'll say no more...
Dan, are you thinking about Directline insurance, cause the prize is mine !
As insurance is all about CATastrophes I think we'll paws there. I'm the winner!
Post the award to me and no-one gets hurt.
Lovely to see you, Dan. Ignore the above post. He shall be PUNished.
I only want to remember you that the prize is mine. Thank you.