Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins
1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
3890. gesinek3 January 2012, 11:55 GMT +01:00

Don't be so demanding, 4 weeks from now it's carnival... drive to cologne, everything works there in Febuary
3891. xymonau3 January 2012, 12:49 GMT +01:00

Do you mean the Moff can run around in his nakedness at that time? Well, then I won't be attending! No, this winning is very time consuming.
3892. micromoth3 January 2012, 13:57 GMT +01:00

Any time you want to finally give up trying to win and concede, that's fine by me! I have never been to Cologne. There's something funny about the water...
3893. gesinek3 January 2012, 14:32 GMT +01:00

Cologne water is only for old ladies, who always are in danger to black out. They must have a tissue with cologne water to stay 'alive'.
3894. micromoth3 January 2012, 21:34 GMT +01:00

Ah, so that's why Dez is so keen on it!
3895. gesinek3 January 2012, 21:49 GMT +01:00

Don't know if it is world wide traded brand.
3896. micromoth3 January 2012, 23:43 GMT +01:00

You mean Dez is branded as well?!? Goodness me, that must be a tough ranch!
3897. xymonau3 January 2012, 23:48 GMT +01:00

Eau de Cologne - best thing ever invented! We old ladies love it. Particularly after branding. Ranch? What American gibberish is that? We have stations. Makes us tough, and therefore impossible to defeat in this game.
3898. micromoth4 January 2012, 6:44 GMT +01:00

Almost impossible - but not quite.
3899. xymonau4 January 2012, 8:22 GMT +01:00

Very quite, actually. In fact, about as quite as you can get. And stop tittering like a girl.
3900. micromoth4 January 2012, 13:04 GMT +01:00

Lol! Envy of me - the winner - will get you nowhere I'm afraid!
3901. xymonau4 January 2012, 13:47 GMT +01:00

Correct, because the winner, myself, has no reason to envy the loser, yourself.
3902. micromoth4 January 2012, 14:05 GMT +01:00

I'm afraid you've accidentally transposed. I know it's hard for you to bear, but I'm the winner. Yippee!
3903. gesinek4 January 2012, 14:26 GMT +01:00

...and when two fight the third takes the prize. Means the winner is me :)
3904. micromoth4 January 2012, 21:02 GMT +01:00

Who is this person Means? Is he related to Heinz?
3905. gesinek4 January 2012, 22:40 GMT +01:00

You know him?
3906. micromoth4 January 2012, 23:00 GMT +01:00

No, but I know where he has beanz.
3907. gesinek4 January 2012, 23:58 GMT +01:00

The baked ones? Bääähhhh.. I like Heinz but I don't like white beanz
3908. xymonau5 January 2012, 1:59 GMT +01:00

You're both has-beens. I win.
3909. micromoth5 January 2012, 9:57 GMT +01:00

You're half baked beans. I win!
3910. xymonau5 January 2012, 10:48 GMT +01:00

I just polished off two half tins of baked beans. You must be psycho!
3911. gesinek5 January 2012, 12:02 GMT +01:00

Why have you done that? Anyway I win without polished tins!
3912. xymonau5 January 2012, 12:05 GMT +01:00

LOL But I LIKE polishing tins! And I win WITH them!
3913. micromoth5 January 2012, 13:24 GMT +01:00

Sorry, Rin Tin Tin, but I win!
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