Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Oh, it's a hard battle for the places here. Toke some time to read all the posts but now I'm healthy again, finished my further training and now I'm reaching out for winning again.
So get a good nights sleep, you will need it or as we say here put your warm clothes on .
And by the way, I prefer Champagne by winning. Could you prepare it please??
Night night, sleep well. But I'm afraid the runner up doesn't get champagne.
That's right, Moff, you don't. But she asked you to get it for HER.
Have you been sick, Gesine? Sorry to hear that. I had a German doctor do a medical procedure on me last week. He had such a nice accent. I thought of you at the time and wondered if your accent would be as nice.
Nice accent or not, I'm afraid I can't let you win. I have already done so. But you may drown your sorrows in my champagne. It's the least I can do.
That's so nice Dez.
Well my accent is possible something between American English (my first English teacher came from America 5th+6th year of school),'German' English (7th+8th year of school, and one of the following teachers had such a bad accent , we recognized it in the 7th year) and Irish English cause I changed school for 9th class and up from than to Abitur(13th year) I learned English by an Irish teacher.
Don't know what it sounds like...
And I think champagne is adequate to my winning.
LOL - it's a wonder you can speak it at all! You know, I think the Irish teacher taught my doctor, because for the first few minutes I honestly thought he was Irish! It was only a few of the hard consonants that made me realise his nationality. This Irish teacher must be stopped! They are having a very bad influence.
When I went to school, we didn't learn another language until high school, and I took French. My teachers were always Australian, and couldn't even pronounce the words properly. Shameful.
Yes in former times we learned our first foreign language at highschool, which I think is fairly comparable with further leading schools (whatever track you chose) here. Today the children learn english in elemantary school up from the first day, partly already in Kindergarden. But second foreign language start as in former times in the 7th year.
Much easier to teach them while they're very young. And it gives people more words and concepts to think with.
Pronouncing here, languages there I'm winning.
And my favourite moth - where is my champagne?
The champagne is with me - as the winner!
On the subject of language, I visited some colleagues in China a few years ago and travelled to a semi-desert area quite a distance away from the usual tourist destinations. There I was asked to speak to some university students to help them improve their English. Apparently the last English teacher they had had was more than six months previously - and he was Norwegian!
That's really funny. At least they wouldn't have sounded Irish!
No, but I bet they knew how to pronounce smorgasbord.
Swedish buffet yummy, also they have 'no Goes' like Surströmming there. I think it's only eatable for Swedish people...
Smorgasbord will really fit to the champagne :-)
Really? I'd have thought it would make it too runny.
We just call it a buffet - far more pronouncable. Yes, that would be nice. Gesine, the Moff can hover and bash into the lights and we can swat him away.
Ah, you're evidently feeling buffeted by my repartee. And I don't bash into lights - I'm far too good at dodging. Applies to swatting too!
You had a buffet at your party and you didn't invite me? You deserve to lose!
You do so bash into lights. I've seen your traffic tickets.
Sorry, but they were serving soup. Didn't think you would want the competition.
I had no idea that villainous-looking traffic warden was you! But now that you mention it...
Those traffic lights will never be the same again.
You didn't invite me because you are upset that I won this game. You just want to leave the memory of the loss behind you.
Don't know what you want - but I'll invite you all to my winner party with buffet and champagne and firework and...and...and............
Winners of the second prize, as are you, are relegated to serve behind the bar.
Gesine, since I am the person being honoured by the party, may I arrive stylishly late?
How many winners of the second prize do you have?? Fortunately I get first prize, so have the largesse to say please be as late as you wish!
Oh, thank you for conceding that I'm in position One! But well done - you make a good Second.