Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Oh no! Dez isn't using her alphabet soup again is she. We're all doomed.......
What are ABC weapons?
As for you, grandfather, you never let a girl forget, do you? I poison ONE person, and suddenly that's a bad thing?
I'm not poisoned. I have a gas mask (just in case). And I fear you have misunderstood Gesine. A pointy stick is not ABC weapon, it's a BC weapon - you know, the kind of thing a caveman (or cavewoman) might have used. Dear me, what do they teach 'em in schools these days?
How insulting. I do not suffer from gas. I am not American.
I am certainly on fire, leading by a mile, and winning so easily.
A mile, certainly, but erm... in the wrong direction!
That's because you want me to turn around and lose. No siree! I am the winner, the champion, the prize owner, the top dog, the head sherang, the CEO and the victor in this game.
That's right, poor thing. Sleep on. When you give up, you get so tired.
Oh, I wasn't tired. There's more meanings than one to "nap". Meanwhile, I'm still winning. Yay!
Oh, so you were buzzing like a little bee! How quaint! A tiny moff without a stinger. Dream on, little "winner". You'll wake up soon.
No, if you look up the meanings of "nap" you'll soon bridge the gap of uncomprehension. Bridge...nap... Oh dear, dear, me *sigh*.... What *do* they teach 'em at schools these days?
That's a really big "if". Gargantuan in its proportions, it towers over this post in a threatening manner. I think I'll pass.
I've seldom been called a trumpet in my life. What an interesting and unique experience.
Oooooh gosh.... It's so hard to resist the temptation of the obvious retort! It's a good job I'm a gentleman (and a moth).
But a real gennleman would not even KNOW the obvious retort. IF you are a gennleman, how on earth do you hold a teacup with those little limbs?
I only know the obvious retort becos my Oz cousin tole me. Holdin' a teacup? Why, between three or four tarsi of cors! (Tho stickin my little finger up is tricky.)
I don't want to know where you're sticking your little finger up thanks moffs. Just the thought ..............................urgh!
He might have washed it, grandfather, that's all I can say.
Oh hooray! That's all Dez can say - that means I'm the winner!