Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
"Tzzz"??? Is that your raygun?
I'd beware what your little green men from outer space bring you, if I was you. Best get your tinfoil hat on quick!
Shopping??!! I like it. Can you borrow me your credit cart? I'm a little bit hard up at the moment.
Chintzy moth you are. So I have to work more and more and more - do you really want that?
No, of course not Gesine. Why, I think you should have a day off at least once a month. ;-)
Whether she needs it or not, right?
Well, fellow gargleblasters, The Winner is back, and you may all leave.
Why, thank you Dez. I'll receive my Winner's trophy now, thanks. Not sure where you're leaving for, but have a nice time.
Well, can you remember that little funny thing on my shoulder?? Look straight on my avatar picture... What could it be?? Yes you're right it's a prize.
Gesine, we all know you PURCHASED that prize from the toy store. It looks nothing like my little angel sweet prize. I have the real one, he refuses to leave, citing mental cruelty by yourself and a certain unnamed moth, not to mention the old boy who runs around with women in scanty clothing. Truly, I have to protect him from all of you.
Yes you're right, it's only a copy, but... at the world championchips at soccer or what ever they give away only a copy of the prize cause it's too dangerous, someone could rob the worthy thing. I know where the treasure is.
Well, the wallet of a moff is hardly bigger than a flea. Oh, dear! Those ARE fleas! Ahem...cough...
You're coughing up fleas?!? Best see a doc immediately. Make sure you get one that's up to scratch!
boom - boom! LOL
It was a ladylike cough, made in lieu of a gasp of horror, as I saw the little critters crawling all over you. Have you heard of soap and water?
Yes, I have heard of soap and water, and I'll introduce them to you sometime. It's amazing what they haven't caught up with in the wilds of Oz yet... Dear me!
Well, the Wild Things hopping all over you may have heard of them also, but obviously have never encountered them. Just like your good self. Have a cup of tea, build your courage, and twist those things on the bathroom wall. They're called "taps", and you're going to get a big surprise!
Don't be daft, all Brits know what taps are for - where do you think the ale comes out from in our pubs?
According to the reports I've heard, it comes out of the thing with the push button.