Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
A colleague at work has headed off to Samoa today. It's only costing him $800 for the flights. It costs more to fly to Western Australia from here. There are a lot of cheap destinations.
That's why I forbid you to take my prize anywhere, because he will see many more exotic destinations with me. And no floosies.
I look pale? Actual I have a little bit of a tan from former summer days. At the moment (imagine in the middle of august) it seems that fall has seized power. :-((
It's raining and raining and raining and temperature gets down to 14° C.
S..... summer!
Sitting here with Prizey drinking hot tea.
Why, yes, I am! And thank you for calling me, Gesine. I'd love a hot drink!
Looks like we can serve cold drinks this evening ;-). Welcome Prizey...
He's only visiting with you because I brought him. He has to come home with his Mumsy. And, please, no alcohol. He is under age.
And he was well when you take him home at 22.00 h. He and my nephews had a lot of fun yesterday evening. Today we have plum cake with cream - in the kitchen cause...something new... Wow... it's raining again!!
Pops in ......... My Prize ................. gone again :0)
Come off it! now when plum cake comes on the table Mr. Moth and Mr. Gramps are back in the race. But I get the biggest piece and the Prize.
Plum cake - one of my favourites!
Thanks Gesine. I'll take the Prize too.
And back home from Denmark tonight. Got about 500 shots in mixed weather; some nice things to share.
Where have you been in DK? I know Prizey love to go there. But he is now with me. Good night!
They're not likely to let you back after a shooting spree, you know. I always knew you were a bad 'un!
Gesine, I am back from Brisbane now - no shooting - and I will have my prize back, thank you. You're making him fat on cake and junk food. Now I'm going to have to send him out jogging.
And Phil, we are going to have to start calling you "Pop" instead of "Gramps" if you keep popping.
Plum cake with good fresh plums from our tree is no junk food and Prizey is very quick now, isn't it? We practice a lot.
Practice eating plum cake, I think. Well, he still belongs with me. Stop being so nice to him. He's not satisfied with his bread and gruel with me any more.
I'm back! And Prize is back with me. When I asked him his opinion of Oz bread and gruel, he muttered something that sounded very like the elvish for orc-food.
Denmark was great fun, though with more grey cloud than I would have liked. However, I did get some pics of a wonderful sunset over one of the lakes. I stayed in a village near Odder, went to the island of Samsø and also spent a couple of days in Copenhagen - well worth a visit. The quay of Nyhavn was particularly attractive and I recommend it. However, there were so many logos of shops and maritime businesses there that I doubt I'll be able to put many photos on RGB Stock!
This was the first time I have opted to take most of my photos in Canon RAW, so I'll be interested to see how they look.
That's wonderful, Kevin. Perhaps you should have stayed in Odder. A marriage made in heaven, really. And I had no idea you were fluent in Elvish - except when off your face.
I would love to see some of Europe before I die (I'd best be quick), and Denmark looks like one of the prettiest places.
Great you have lovely holidays Kevin, and Dez, Denmark rules! I think Prizey is curious like us to see your photos. I provide him with enough plum cake for the journey to GB. May be he stays here tonight, but tomorrow... :-(
Sorry, bit up to the neck in work at the moment. I'll just borrow the prize for a couple of hours, then it can go and look at Moff's piccies.
Glad you had a good one Moff's. Can't be as good as Bognor or Skeggy though :0)
Okay, a few shots coming up, and more as I have time. Even better than Bognor!
Um, I see from the Urban Dictionary that a childer is a vampire. I think that Prizey and I'll give it a miss...
Ha! Made you look it up, tho', didn't I? Actually, there is a whole town full of them nearby.
I look forward to seeing your photos, and continuing to be jealous.
Yes, I admit it - I had to look it up. But I know it now. I'll add it to my list of other curiosities such as simurg, potichomania and the wonderfully non-useful nosarian.
I've added a few shots from Denmark to my gallery; more coming up as I have time.
Oh, by the way - the Prize is with me!