Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I like the way cats always want to share their dead things - or worse, half alive things that can crawl away under the furniture where you can't see it, but eventually can smell it. I have found many mummified - or rather, putrefied lizards that way.
It's a good thing the prize hates canned coconut milk, and he says the white of your sands is just not the right shade.He's tired of pizza, and he's very worried about your beer drinking, Gesine. he says you're almost as big a drinker as that moth. And that Scottish woman - well, he is shocked at her capacity for the demon whisky! He was much nicer about Phil, although he doesn't like his rough talk and says he sounds like a bikie.
Gesine, I'm fascinated to hear that you live in a cannon. It must be quite dark in there though, so let me light that little wick thing that goes in the end. It's bound to improve matters.
As for the Prize, he loathes the thought of sharing the same house with someone who keeps finding putrefied lizards and he's worried about the strange flavour of all the soup. He's safely back with me, where he knows he'll be happy.
And what of young Arabella? And Rita? Where have all the ladies gone?
@3123: Ups, may be I'm lost in translation
@3124: who the "f..." are Rita and Arabella?
Prize is very scared
It's OK. Rita and Arabella are with me. We've just seen the last of the Harry potter films, very good it was too. Having just tucked them up for the night I'm off to my bed. I'll send the ladies back after a good breakfast. Oh, I'll just look after that prize for you, Bye. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz............
Moths fly at night, when other folk are fast asleep... Welcome back to me, prize, whether called Rita, Arabella or anything else!
"Well, come back to me, prize..."?? Not on your Nelly, Rita or Arabella, mate.
The Prize wishes you to know that he has no connection with Nelly beyond meeting her in the bar last night and any rumours to the contrary are utterly scurrilous and without foundation.
Inbound!........... whoosh..................grabs prize...............outbound! .......... whoosh.
Stick out...............swish/jab................tears prize out of tiny moth claws as moth grabs his ear and screams in pain. No sympathy...............casually strolls off.
The prize DOES like those girls, Gesine, but they are very BAD girls. All friends of Phil's. Say no more!
Landing in a helicopter by night.....................(uhhh it's scary).............find prize, rescue prize,aaannd..........flap flap flap...............flying away.
@3133:Ok I say no more
Oh!!! How can you say that? They are kind, considerate and gentle. They managed to make two complete outfits out of one kitchen curtain and still had enough left for a table cloth. I thought they both looked fantastic in gingham (what little there was of it ).
Just for that I've pinched the prize and hidden it on one of the girls :0) that was fun! can someone steal it again so that I can pinch it back and hide it again ?
Ooops, here's the missus, gotta go.
I complimented the girls on their new look and they gave me the prize.
But Phil - do you think that your cutting up Dez's gingham tablecloth was quite, erm, wise?
You know that Phil has pinched the Prize. It surely needs a nurse - ME! And he's too cheap to buy some tiny clothes for his canny gals. We must avoid him getting Prizey again.
I have the perfect solution - I'll look after the Prize.
Too late, I've got it. Moff - jar, jar-moff, just like that - not like that - just like that.. Never mind moff, I'm sure Dez will let you out of the jam jar after she has given you a few pokes with a pointy stick and force fed you some lovely soup :0)
Was that a happy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
an unhappy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
or just a total confusion aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh ?
My prize
Where's Dez got to? I'm missing the pointy stick !
May be she's busy with her studies?
I save the prize for now.
I think the comment @3141 should say: Wow, what a thrill of a thread.
Oh, botheration. You could have put that moff in a jar WITHOUT the jam in it, Phil. Look what he did in it! You can rub his nose in it an' all! He's not getting out in the near future, that's for sure.
Actually, I was out buying a new curtain, if you really want to know. Phil's stable of starlets - hussies to a 't' - will need every inch of the material that's left to avoid being arrested when they leave. I know where you live, Phil, and I'm gunna tell your missus. You need to be reined in, or next thing you'll be buying a toupee like the moff and driving a red sports car and getting around with an oily grin.
Gesine, the prize doesn't need a nurse any more. He's tucked up in bed here, and even though it's winter, he's happy to be on the other side of the planet from a band of kidnappers.
Stand back from that cat, everyone. When they make that noise it means a furball is on its way up.
Fine weather isn't really the reason why prize comes just in here. It's cold and rainy and called summer. But he likes it here.