Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Oh, I'm untameable, a wild moth. And I didn't steal the 3000th post, it just came my way naturally. :) :) :)
No your not! Everybod's know moffs are attracted to light. Just like this candle, Oh, whoops! crash and burn lad. Kind of you to drop the prize at the same time.
Whoa! I only sticks an' poisons 'em. You're wikkid, Phil. But I likes you. Sadly, I likes you tied to this chair, and hand over that prize or the puppy gets it!
Well, doggone! The prize is mine.
And nice try Phil, but I'm flameproof. Hehe.
Oh, you just made that up! Tell 'im he's dreamin, Phil! I'm sorry about the puppy, but you were warned. Next, the fluffy duckling gets it if I don't get the prize. NOW!!
I hope so.Tied to a chair eh! Hmmm, now if I woz one of 'em that sort of liked that sort of fing....... Na , forget it, let the fluffy ducklins take the fall, i'm holdin onto the prize.
Sorry, but irrespective of fluffy ducks and the chair of this meeting, the Prize is mine!
Okay. Well the bunnies an' the kittens are next. You is mean men, I'll say that fer ya.
You can use the puppy with the toilet roll if you like, the prize is still mine.
No heart at all. Even I feel bad hurtin' the little cuties. Wait! *slaps forehead* What was I thinking? I'll hurt you lot instead! Give me the prize or you'll all have a knuckle sandwich.
Gee, I suppose a knuckle sandwich is preferable to soup. I suppose... Personally, I'd prefer a nice prosciutto baguette. The Prize likes those too!
Fish'n'chips wiv slabs of bread'n'butter, there ya go prize ! See, she prefers my more sufisticated tastes like wot I've got.
By the way chaps and chapess, Is we all mad or is it just us four ?
An' arithmetic is not Phil's strong point, so I will let that pass. Macromouth, I will not hurt you, as the prize came back to me today with stories of horror restaurants and being forced to eat dead pigs and dead fishes. He has begged me for some nutmeat and soy sausages, and is pleading with me to hide him from you all. He says for some insane reason you kept calling him, "Arabella". He thinks you have a drinking problem. And possibly cocaine. Or was that cocoa?
Haha! Dez has been conned - she's got Rita. The true Prize is with me.
Nope, I checked. It ain't Karen or Rita OR Arabella Fonte. Nope, it's the prize, alright. I should know. I created it. You are a conMAN, however, and it's good to know only elderly grandpas are fooled by you.
'ere, Phil, you're not my grandpa....are you? Do you know my moth-er?
Not unless she woz down boogi street in Singapore in the early 70's