Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I am poor, so my need is great, too.
Kray, I don't want to burst your bubble, dear, but you really aren't a winner, now, are you? A lovely person, and a fine and upstanding citizen, but not a winner. No. MMMMM....Nope!
I think you are all winners, but I get the prize!
Gesine, there is no way you can win this without crawling over the bodies of the rest of the players. If you are nice, I will just grab the prize - oops! like that! - and run like blazes! See you later!
Here I am :-) And now: Please let prizey out of your skirts.
Thank you ;-)
I might be a granny, but I don't hide things in my "skirts"! I lock them in a safe, and only I have the combination. He's happy in there. Can't see why you're all making such a fuss about him being with his mumsy.
We all know Prizey get's every time back to mumsy. But it wants to see the world. Please can I go out with it? My friend will not be jealous
Well, if you get him home before midnight. Don't want him turning into a pumpkin.
I think it's prize-abuse locking that poor wee thing in a safe!
come with me Prize and enjoy the sunshine in Grunn
I have Won!!
?? Not in my dimension.
Wow, you are able to make time slips?
And Prizey don't feels queasy?
I feel queasy. I'm sick of being the only winner. It's lonely here at the top.
hey no one posted in this topic for a day and a half!!!
the game is over
the game is won
by ME!!
That's a perilous assumption. You may get hurt in the reaction.
@2749 I try the seat at the top....... It feels good. And with prizey......I'm not lonely and I'm busy following all you chasers.
That's a lot of work!
Ow! You pushed me! You could have hurt me!
Are you all right?
Hmph. *dusts her clothing as she rises from the ground* I am alright, but you have hurt my dignity. The least you can do is give back the prize.
The prize isn't hers to give. It's mine!
Yes, little man in a dress, but she has it in her greedy grasp. I am trying to get it for you. Now hush, and let me do this.
@2757: you're pants are on fire
Prize hates rain and will never go to Australia
it enjoy's the great weather here in Groningen
The fire keeps everything dry. The prize loves playing with fire.
@2759: you keep him locked in a safe where there's a fire?
He'll choke to death you brute!
It's clear that mrs Dezzie is not able to take care of Prize
come with me sweet Prize of mine, I'll take care of you!
*sigh* The competitors are not listening to themselves now, are they? YOU said my PANTS were on fire. While it is true that some people wouldn't know if their bums were on fire, I can assure you, I do! Nothing gets past this little black duck! Including the winner's position.