Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
No you don't. I'll biscuit addlin' with him.
Uh-uh. The Prize is on a roll with me!
and now Prize is rocking with me
The prize just said, "Cheerio," and waved farewell.
Headstrong little thing, our Prizey! I can tell you it is here with me and we're going to have a nice easter weekend in Danmark. Farwell.
Well, since our Mary is the Crown Princess, I have friends in high places, so I will soon have him back.
Hellooo! Just calling from atop this high mountain. Along with Prizey, who's with me.
No, real friends.
sadly we can't visit Koebnhavn this time. l like that town very much. May be later this year we have the chance to visit Mary. I think she's a good crown princess. Also I'm coming from a non monarchistic country - I like her. And I like the process of coming modern, the old monarchies go through these years.
The weather is fine and I'm the winner :)
The weather here is finer and I am more of a winner.
The weather here is extraordinarily good and I'm likewise the winner!
the weather is gorgeous here
I win, I win, I win
The weather here is so good we've had dinner on our patio.
I wine, I wine, I wine and dine. :)
@2702: Prize hates whining
so he ran to me
we are enjoying a very balmy evening
Ah, but for spectacular weather, you can't go past my place. Deep blue skies, bright colours, fluffy white clouds, cool and comfortable, sounds of laughter lingering on the sweet breezes, clinking of cutlery on china as families gracefully dine, and no Pomgolian inebriates to be seen anywhere. Nor barmy Dutchwomen and Hamburgerettes. No, just gorgeous and wunderful me! Prizey wuvs his mumsy!
verb, transitive;
1. to run away from in dismay
2. to repudiate
3. to express consternation
4. to put into action thoughts of escape
The Prize is with me!
Hmmm...Lingered a tad too long over the keg, didn't you? A dictionary is of no use to a cross-eyed dipsomaniac like your good self. That's not the prize with you. It's a pink elephant, one you know ever so well.
Here, macro, is my little Easter gift to you. Accept it in the spirit in which it is given:
Meanwhile, I have shaded Prizey's eyes from the sight of your shame.
Prizey and me wish you all a great easter weekend.
The same to you, Gesine! And now the prize is with me, he blows you a kiss.
Due to lack of interest, I declare this contest closed, and I declare myself to be the winner. Thank you to all participants. You were fine and brave yadda yadda yadda, and I thank my parents for having the good sense to breed a fine daughter like me. *wild applause*
The winner has left the building...
No, he's still here.
Sorry, sir. You are now trespassing on a private topic. The gates have been closed. Security is on its way. I suggest you leave quietly - or you can do so the hard way. Don't be a bad loser, sir. You put up a valiant fight.
Larfs! Staying put.
Great big thugs in bovver boots approach - three of 'em. A curtain is delicately drawn across the scene of carnage. Afterwards, Thug 1 hands me an envelope. It is the remains of a tiny - nay, microscopic - moth. He is remarkably intact. They tell me he died of fright...