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2 0 grade account_circle Pająk 2
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24 2 grade account_circle flutterby
6 0 grade account_circle flutterby
3 0 grade account_circle szkarłat osa ćma
10 0 grade account_circle motyl
0 0 grade account_circle Dragonflys
1 0 grade account_circle Dragonflys
25 1 grade account_circle zbiornik
15 0 grade account_circle modliszka
34 0 grade account_circle modliszka
0 0 grade account_circle widok z boku pszczoła
235 9 grade account_circle motyl monarcha
26 2 grade account_circle Błękitny motyl
21 0 grade account_circle ślimak
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56 0 grade account_circle biedronka
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45 3 grade account_circle motyl na kwiat
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92 1 grade account_circle motyl 1
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