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Dialog with the people who approve/disapprove images

1. johnnyberg22 November 2011, 11:57 GMT +01:00

I sometimes lack the possibility to write to the people who approve/dispprove my images - mostly when the images are disapproved ;-)

Not really to complain about the descision; but in order to get a little better for future uploads.

Today I got the notification about my images: "Cropping should be improved
Image contains too much noise/grain/pixelasation" - and I simply dont understand what it means.

The cropping part is a mystery to me: Those images are cropped so that the vingets (pinhole images) are in the center of the pictures (where it shoud be) and the content of the images follow this. I can't see how cropping could be any different.

And about the too much noise/grain/pixellasation part. Noise/grain is on purpose as explained in my short description: "The image is colored as an old fashion styled photo".

Does this mean that old fashioned images with grain and coloring are not allowed at RGB?

2. Gramps23 November 2011, 8:26 GMT +01:00

I had a similar moan not long ago. See http://www.rgbstock.com/forum/msg/840
Borders irritate sometimes I must admit, I can understand on a photograph but when I create what is meant to be a card front and have put a decorative border around it, it's a pain to have it rejected :0)

I agree with not being able to email the approvers though, it opens them up to abuse. Some people don't get upset, they get downright angry with a rejection and I've heard of approvers giving up their position through getting abusive emails. It's all quite subjective in the end and what might be rejected by one person may be approved by another.

3. assiewin23 November 2011, 10:29 GMT +01:00

Just email admin using the "Contact us" button and surely they will come back with an answer.

4. johnnyberg23 November 2011, 10:39 GMT +01:00

Thank you for reactions.

I know I could have mailed directly, but I do feel that it would be nice to have the possibility of reaching the "approvers" - and such suggestions are fine in the open space, I think.


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