A lot of familiar images here being offered for download, including mine. I can't seem to make a comment, though, as every time I try, the page goes wonky. Can anyone else post there?
I'm so sick of thieves.
Still searching on Shutterstock but a long way to go ... 4000 pages to go :/
But I honestly think they didn't bought it, they have more copyrighted images. :-(
They sold 6 canvassen with an images of me. One image isn't taken down yet.
She said she has bought the images on Shutterstock.
I searched through the site (more than 4000 pages) and i didn't find any of these tree images of me.
She also says that she has a licence for these images and will contact Shutterstock.
It's very strainge I think ?
I think she's lying, but you never know. If she had proof she would show you and let you approach Shutterstock as well. After all, if she has bought stolen photos, what better proof of that than to have the person who owns them also lodge a complaint? It doesn't ring true. What country is she in? If it was your own, at least you could take some legal action against her.
She isn't the person that was doing this with sxc images several years ago, is she? That was a female and she was doing exactly this - selling images on canvas. Lynne might remember.
I wonder if RGB will get as big as shutter stock?
I found this ripper at today.
I recognize several images in this ripper's gallery. None of these are my images so I can not report the ripper to fotolia.
Fotolia is a bit weird when reporting ripped images. They require the original owner of the image to file an official DCMA report before they will take down any ripped images. I guess this benefits them as a company as they can continue to generate sales on ripped images.
Despite their stated stance on protecting original image owner's rights they clearly make it difficult to take down rippers. Their image approvers can not even be bothered to familiarize themselves with popular images from other sites so they might catch rippers before any illicit image sales happen.
So, If any of these images belong to you or someone you know please help take this ripper down by reporting the images.
The most obvious rip is brokenart's parchment pic - the first image that comes up on the ripper's gallery.
The parchment scroll photo is the one that I discovered first. I sent an email to brokenarts about it. I found a contact email address for him on his website.
It must take a lot of time to police other websites. I generally spend about 2 hours a week checking other sites for photo that belong to myself or other people but its hard to remember all the photo's.
It's difficult to forget the most popular, successful and, above all, recognisable images on a stock site especially when you have been associated with that site for a number of years. It's relatively easy to track images if you know where to look and how to look. Dave has had a lot of practice.
I'd be interested to know some of Dave's techniques. We must all spend a fair bit of time on the Web for one reason or another. Knowing some tips would help us look out for each other - many of us are probably familiar enough with the most popular images on RGB Stock to recognise them if they crop up somewhere that they shouldn't be.
You can use TinEye, Google image search, titles and names of artists to search. And sometimes you just stumble on one and find a lot more. People rarely steal just one image.
I look for ripped images from the perspective of a "would be" ripper.
Rippers are usually looking for a quick monetary return on their time. This means that they usually try to "acquire" popular images with a proven track record of high downloads.
I know most of the most poplar images on her and from the old site by heart. So, I do quick search on the major "for pay" stock websites for keywords for the most popular images. Brokenarts scroll image is and easy one to search for - scroll, parchment, paper, roll, etc…
If these searches turn up any obvious rippers then usually the ripper's entire gallery is composed of ripped images. It's easy to do image based searches on other images in their gallery with Chrome and google image search. You can right click on an image and select "Search Google for this image".
Once I identify a ripper I will try to do user searches for the same ID or user name to see if the ripper has uploaded images to other stock photo sites.
After doing this for a while I have been able to identify rippers and have them taken down usually within a day or two. Certain stock photo sites are more resistant to my efforts to take down rippers. These require some sort of DCMA notice to actually take the images down. The issue with this is in most cases I am not the original image author so it is difficult for me to file a DCMA for for images that are not my own.
Other sites like deviant art are pretty much oblivious to any efforts to take down rippers. They seem to not care about rippers at all despite verbiage in their terms of service that state otherwise.
Dave, I remember how DA treats whistleblowers and the ripped off - they shoot the messenger. My IP address is still blocked as far as I know. I'm not going to bother returning to check. Their head up fundament strategy is beneath contempt..
I just found one of my images being sold on ebay as a "poster".
Fwd: Running Track Poster Print | eBay
This person seems to have a large number of items for sale - you may want to look through the list to see if any of your images are being sold without your permission.
Rippers are usually looking for quick monetary return on their time. This means that they usually [url=]shutterstock photo[/url] try to acquire images with a proven track record of high downloads.
I often read about people complaining about copyright on different websites. Copyright is a complex issue which is hard to solve depending on which country you live in. Western governments seem to punish their citizens harder than any country in Asia except Japan. The United States has started a six strikes laws which means if you violate copyright laws six times, you lose your internet permanently. I wonder if websites that post the rippers content will be punished and the six strikes laws will be applied to them.
Unlikely. Businesses are generally protected more than the individual. Have you ever heard of one of the microstock sites paying the real owner of the images illegally posted and purchased by downloaders? It doesn't happen.
Where can I find the info re the six strikes law? I'm interested to see what it encompasses.
This site is illegally using one of my images, and there may be other RGB pics on there. I saw one or two that looked familiar, but I couldn't be certain.
I have contacted them and insisted they remove it. They have the nerve to claim copyright after adding some words.
And here is a second one that is using my image - and likely yours - for templates. This is not allowed under our licence without permission.
Read the above post, and also this is a major ripper of sxc and our photos. You really need to check this one. Deviant Art have no morals and they once denied a claim by Tou Touke re her classic bridge image, saying it belonged to someone else, even though she had the original and a whole series of images taken at the same time.
Added later - Here is another site selling templates - which is not allowed under our licence - with one of mine and probably more belonging to others:
Encouragingly the lovecards one takes me to an "Image removed due to DMCA copyright notice" holder...