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Image too similar

1. xymonau19 June 2011, 4:13 GMT +02:00

I have had an image rejected for the foloowing reason:

Thank you but this image is too similar to others uploaded

It is like these and was uploaded at the same time:

but it is the colour blue.

I have had other images in different colours accepted many times before. I have seen other images of tedious sameness uploaded, with three that had hardly discenible differences (e.g. a photo taken from a very slightly different angle) accepted. I think in this case the colour was a clear difference. Also, blue is the most popular colour, and I am bothered that that particular colour was rejected. I don't know who rejected the image, and I decided to not approach the approvers personally, as this is a general issue.

Firstly, have the acceptance rules been changed, or was it an arbitrary decision? If arbitrary, can you please explain why? Also, if it is possible, can you remove the yellow image and replace it with the blue one? I haven't deleted it yet.

2. weirdvis19 June 2011, 8:14 GMT +02:00

Re-upload the blue one, Dez.. A series of three completely different colours isn't normally considered to be a "too similar" problem.

3. xymonau19 June 2011, 9:38 GMT +02:00

Thank you, Lynne. Just in case it was a quality issue, I redid the image to even out the tones. I'll upload the new one soon.

4. Abyla23 June 2011, 20:53 GMT +02:00

Sometimes is difficult for photographers to decide...and other times is difficult for photographers to remember.
Type 'dragonfly' in the search box for example and you'll see an image, the best dragonfly photo in this site in my opinion, two times. Is this an absolutely similar problem or not ? (I tryed to contact him about that but there was no answer).

5. Stephen24 June 2011, 20:03 GMT +02:00

I forgot what I was going to say

6. fishmonk18 July 2011, 22:28 GMT +02:00

It is the same image. Very nice one too!

7. xymonau19 July 2011, 1:05 GMT +02:00

I have uploaded the same image myself in the past. I have too many images to remember them all, and it takes forever to scroll through to see if I have uploaded a particular image. I have thousands if pics that I just save. I am always messing with photos and graphics, but the uploading is so slow that I can cope with only a few at a time. So I forget which ones I have already put on the site. When I discovered the duplicate, I hurriedly removed it! :)

8. crisderaud19 July 2011, 3:00 GMT +02:00

If you have all your rgbstock files that you have posted in a folder, you can use this free program Fast Duplicate File Finder to compare all the images on your computer for you so you don't have to look through and compare.

Fast Duplicate File Finder FREEWARE will help you find fast all duplicate files in a folder and its sub folders. The application will compare the content of your files so it will find duplicates even if they are using different file names.


9. xymonau19 July 2011, 10:40 GMT +02:00

I used to try to do that, but sometimes I save something to another folder - like experimental, or unfinished, and I save the finished product to the same folder, then upload it. I have no idea where the originals of some images are.

That program looks good, Cris.

10. micromoth1 August 2011, 14:02 GMT +02:00

In the past I've embarrassed myself a couple of times by uploading an image that I had uploaded some time previously too. Like Dez, I have lots of folders. To prevent this, I now use Adobe Elements' organiser to tag an image when I upload it. That way, if there's any doubt, I can just call up all the tagged images to see what I've done and what I haven't. Works for me, but some folk may have still better ideas ;-)

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