Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
An that,,,is modest gud,,,i am a modern man yeah,,so i must be modest....
I have tried to reply several times, but the site won't let me. See if it works this time.
Modesty is only one of your many amazing traits.
Ahh bless your heart Dezzie, your my bestest friend,, :O)
Here,,well worth a fiver that,, can you say summot else nice ???
Wot's it wurf? I'm not shore I can say two good things less than a week apart, Mikey. I might break out in a rash! I'm not used to it.
Well,,,What women is,,,,but i thunked you juss might have wanted to try seams hime such a gud friend :O) toothy smile...
We's had this conbersashun before, an' it juss has to be sed - I gotta find out where my farver woz nine munfs before yor birfday.
Well i know me Ma was travelling around with the belly dancers of Benllech for some time :O)
Hmmm - nope, it doesn't ring a bell. I guess nature mighta juss made a wonderful mikstake twice.
I guess,,I think you is juss a little more wonderful than what i is though!!!
Almost. However, we is connected through six degrees of separation only (or seven). I was hoping it might be more. We should try to track our mutual acquaintances (which, really, on RGB wouldn't be hard) to see how many degrees.
You could start with charcoal and I know he lives in Brisbane. I'm sure he must know someone who knows someone who knows me. It's more legitimate if you actually have met the person, but internet connections are still relevant.
Your cheating again,,Brisbrain is in Oztralia so he's bound to know you in he hey,,hey,,,hone up ?
No, never met the man. Brisbane is a little village of no more than 2 million in the greater area, so it's a wonder.
Na,,His names Michael and he dont know what Gender he is, so Ma said dunner talk to enyone who dunner now their gender...
In this day and age does anyone know their gender? Well, we all knose yourn on account of the nudity...
For shame, Mikey! You juss breached yor good behaviour bond. I'm tellin'...