Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
You dun that on purpose! Just 'cause I never ever pays anyone back doesn't mean I wouldn't have paid you. Oh you of little faith!
Go on,,go on,,make me feel guilty...i use to feed my babit on lawn cuttings.. cheap to keep..then he run off, with a wild bunnyette...
I didn't hear about that ,,, she will save a fortune not having it cut,, she'll be rich ,,rich i say...
Excellent positive reframing, old son. You shoulda bin a welfare worker.
OOO0000ooooowww... have you seen um,,,have you seen um,,,them there crayons on the front page,,i tell ya, them are not half bad,,no siree, almost, but not quite as good as me lemons, Now they was fanteriffic,,you could almost taste um...
NOW THATS A GOOD IDEA,,, changin the front page image on each time you load,, good good good ,,like it..
That is a good idea. No, your lemons were just about the most citrussy citrus heaven there is.
I know Dezzie,,I know, Do you know, people stop me in the street and say,,Show us your lemons, And i just laff and say,,,It'll cost ya :O)
Well, there's a statewide lemon alert here in Queensland! People seachin' for 'em, an' they is nowhere to be founded.
Tell me bout it, I havernt seen um since the last tyme they woz on ear, Its really knot fare is it, how do they speckt you to carry on after giving yoo sumfink ant then,,Yes yoo have quest it,,,take it away without az munch as a thank yoo,, supsetting at times, see me eyes iz welling up now just torquing aboot it...Sniff.
You could send Them Responsibble a dead lemon in the mail. That'd make 'em sit up an' take notice!
I got one ear, all squishy and squashy, And it tastes ,,,,mm, ,, ,, ,, tastes,,,m, mm , Ahhhhh, yes they can have this one, tastes Acky, looks unloved, smells mmm,,fruity tooty and i,m rappin it now, post code,, address,, ,, Swear words,,,Stamp,,, and away,,away i say.....
Carn't wait to see the looks on they's faces. I must have my cambera ready...
Ha ha ha ha, yeah, that serves um right dont it, its not my fault they pushed me to it!!
But they'll take yer dabs! An' harrest ya! I'll have to bake a cake wif a file.
Gud hideer tell you what Dezelldra, id be lost without you by my side, make it a sponge cake though, me teefs not what they use two bee... :O)
Ha ha,,yes they do, but i brush mine twice a year whether or not they need doing , thats why i have a smile like a piano keyboard :O)
No,, see there you go again, do you know that its just has heasy two be nice as nasty...