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forum > Fun zone > woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)

1778. xymonau4 March 2012, 13:15 GMT +01:00

There woz nuthink funny in wot I sayed. It's a scientiffic sertanty that we is soup-erior.

1779. happyture6 March 2012, 12:59 GMT +01:00

Mmmm,,,Self praise is recommendation la la la hey la la !!

1780. xymonau6 March 2012, 13:04 GMT +01:00

From us, it most certainly IZ! You may peel me a grape.

1781. happyture7 March 2012, 9:53 GMT +01:00

Ha ha,, think i was spose to be an Oztralian,, maybe i am,,just not born there,,ya dont have to be born somewhere to belong there duz ya 'struth its like being trapped in a pommy's body,,,wonder if i can get help on the NHS??

1782. xymonau7 March 2012, 10:19 GMT +01:00

I gotta sharp knife. I c'n getchoo out. Lie down.

1783. happyture7 March 2012, 14:48 GMT +01:00

Figure of speech dezzie, figure of speech,, please put the bread knife down...

1784. xymonau7 March 2012, 15:14 GMT +01:00

No. I iz now onna rescue mishun. I freed the rat, now IT'S TIME FOR THE REAL MIKEY!!

1785. happyture8 March 2012, 13:29 GMT +01:00

Im here, 'struth Sheila watch were you pokin that knife you nearly had me tinny with it...Bagger me ...

1786. xymonau8 March 2012, 14:58 GMT +01:00

I'm about to b- you, 'cause there's an ocker trapped in that pomgolian body, and I yam determined to free it! Don't try to stop me, 'cause one of us will get hurt and it won't be me.

1787. happyture9 March 2012, 9:38 GMT +01:00

You is a bully,, i,m juss knot used to this kind of women handling, dont poke me thereee,,awww, hey,,hey,,stoppit ,,AWWW,,now your just too ruff...

1788. xymonau10 March 2012, 9:52 GMT +01:00

Well, the NHS is never gunna getchoo outa there. If you wood stay still an' let me slice you hup, ittud be all over inna flash.

1789. happyture11 March 2012, 23:37 GMT +01:00

Zactly now gerroff will ya,,MA! MA! dezzie's got that glazed look in her eyes again!!

1790. xymonau12 March 2012, 3:51 GMT +01:00

Mummy's boy! Puh! I carnt be bovvered cuttin' you hup. You can stay in there an nevva be a Ocker. You hadjor chance.

1791. happyture14 March 2012, 8:45 GMT +01:00

Yoo iz right moowdy, but i juss gotta say it,,you look luvly when your hangry, those bloodshot eyes, that tangled hair blowing in the air-conditioner, WoW...

Hey Dezzie,,seen this today oh did it make me titter :O)

1792. xymonau14 March 2012, 9:17 GMT +01:00

Thanks! I nearly snorted a spring roll through my nostril! That was so funny! I'm still laughing.

1793. happyture14 March 2012, 9:49 GMT +01:00

Oh dear you ladies are just so,,wats the word,,,errrrr,,fun,,, Dangerous thats the word i,m looking for :O) made me laff too :O)

1794. xymonau14 March 2012, 12:06 GMT +01:00

I'm dangerous, but I'm no lady. Call me that again and I'll prove it...

1795. happyture14 March 2012, 13:13 GMT +01:00

Its only out of respect ,,, honest !!

1796. xymonau14 March 2012, 13:21 GMT +01:00

I yam woman. (I hate that song. Sung by an Aussie, too.)

1797. happyture14 March 2012, 16:09 GMT +01:00

Tiz a nice smiley women on your avatar,, is she a relation?

1798. xymonau14 March 2012, 16:17 GMT +01:00

Yes, we're very close.

1799. happyture14 March 2012, 23:43 GMT +01:00

Oh thats nice, she looks a jolly women with smiley teefs, i does like happy faces :O)

1800. xymonau15 March 2012, 13:08 GMT +01:00

I always looks smiley when I iz bein' mean. Haddentchoo notissed?

1801. happyture17 March 2012, 9:39 GMT +01:00

Well naw yoo mention it,,,, I love curly teefs and smiley hair makes yoo feel happy inside,,,well an outside :O)

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