Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
When you cuts, you cuts deep, Mikey. I am hurted now. So now you is the bad one, see? SEE??!! Why, I've a good mind to.....
You iz sayin that with a pointy stick pointin strayt at me,,juss cant helps yourself can yoo.....
You're so stab-able, Mikey Moo! An' you arsts for it all the time! Why, I tole you an' tole you, juss be nice to me, an' there will be no trouble.
Yeah,,,,an yoo said that beefour didunt when i woz nice,,,you went an gived me soop....
Men would kill for my soop. People fall all over each other to have a taste. Why, wars have started for less!
You've worded that all wrong,,and you with all them there qualifickations What i think you ment to write was, Men have died cause of my soop, they fall over after having a taste, It has uses in warfare ,,,,easy as 123....
Why, Mikey, if I diddent know you betterer, I'd swear you had a death wish.
*sigh* (sharpens pointed stick until the point glints like metal)
It's not so much WHAT you say, Mikey, it's the rarver offensive tone in which you sed it.
I dunno, honly tryin to help, and thats the thanks i get no pleasing sum people at all is the ...
Kepp backin' away, little man. I likes a challenge...
And i,m not backing away EEEkkkk ,,yeah,,Im moon dancin,,michael jakson's on the radio ....
OMG, ive never noticed that strange red glow in your eyes before has you got conjunctionitus or sumfink ?
*sigh* Trubble is, yer no reel challenge, is you? I mean, I c'n kill you an' stuff you or put yer head on a shield or sumfing, but I woodent feel the pride. It would be like killin the neighbours kitty, for all the challenge an' sport. Man up! Poke a hugly face or sumfin' so I can hat least feel revenge!
I iz a gentleman born n bred, bought up not to pull hugly faces at ladies, yet i am a man, strange for a Oztralian to comprehend im sure :O)
Unbelievably strange! Then 'ow do yous Pomgolians hever hatrackt a female???
Well thats simple, dashing good looks, and healthy bank accounts ::O)
Charming, intellygents,witty, wheelbarrows with inflatable tires :O) what more could any women need :O)
Juss a hugly face now an' then an you sounds perfeck. Hokay, hyle marry you, butchoo haves to bring that wheelbarrow, hor you'll never get me hover the threshold. WATCHOO MEAN - you're taken?? Whydidjoo sweet tork me then??
Ha ha ha,,I knew the wheelbarrow with inflatable tire would swing it, sweet tork, is that on spellchecker,,,i cant find that???
Hyve put my weddin' dress back in the moffballs an' plastick bag. *sigh*
Hennyway, you prob'ly stoled that wheelbarrow.
Me wheelbarrow is the GTX 16 valve turbo i park it in the garage, its loaded with beet at the moment,, I am sorry dezzie but i has a allergy to wedding dresses/suits confetti, and people tapping glasses, as soon as i see one of these, I run like a Roo with his tail on fire, Bad experience at a young age, now i is damaged goods :O)