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forum > Fun zone > woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)

1610. xymonau5 January 2012, 10:55 GMT +01:00

You bin peerin in my winders AGAIN! I tole you to stop!

1611. happyture5 January 2012, 17:47 GMT +01:00

I like to look in now n then juss two cheque that yew is ok, sat there darnin ya socks i didnt want two disturb yew....looked so peaceful there..

1612. xymonau5 January 2012, 23:55 GMT +01:00

Ah, yes - socks. I guess they does look like socks. Huntil you sees the toenails...

1613. happyture6 January 2012, 7:48 GMT +01:00

That wasn't the colour of your feets was it,,,,NO,,,surely,,,have you had the water turned off?

1614. xymonau7 January 2012, 10:45 GMT +01:00

Water? Inside a house? Oh, you ARE funny, Mikey! Thissiz Australia! No runnin' water here. Juss kanga-flippin'-roos.

1615. happyture7 January 2012, 13:23 GMT +01:00

We got running water, lectrik , sueridge, all mod cons,,we is lucky here in UKland..

1616. xymonau7 January 2012, 13:30 GMT +01:00

Well, we is the end of the earth here. Our only mod cons heve recently been released from prison.

1617. happyture7 January 2012, 13:38 GMT +01:00

Its a funny old thing init, nearly all my friends want to go to live in Oztralia for one reason or another, while i wouldn't mind poppin over to have a picnic on hairy rocks cuz that place looks magical to me...

1618. xymonau7 January 2012, 14:01 GMT +01:00

If you mean Uluru, I agree. I've never been there, but it's pretty, I believe. However, you'll get heat stroke by day, and freeze to death at night.

1619. happyture7 January 2012, 16:20 GMT +01:00

Oh i,ll take a picnic blanket then :O)

1620. xymonau7 January 2012, 23:52 GMT +01:00

LOL! I think you'd have a wow of a time, but you'd need a lot of money. Australia is expensive, particularly places that involve tourism.

1621. happyture8 January 2012, 9:10 GMT +01:00

Thats OK, We Brits can survive on the bare minimum, they've been making us live like that for years here...

1622. xymonau8 January 2012, 10:47 GMT +01:00

Can you save for a trip?

1623. happyture8 January 2012, 12:17 GMT +01:00

Well Yeah,,,,As long as we dont eat for a week or two,, or just stick to salads n water, maybe a little home made bread nothing too rich as we are not use to it,,it'll give us the squirts see!!!!

1624. xymonau8 January 2012, 12:55 GMT +01:00

YEAH, THAT'S ABOUT THE SITUATION IN MY NECK OF THE WOODS, TOO. Oops. Capslock. I'm too lazy to retype, so I'll just shout at you.

Perhaps you could rob a bank.

1625. happyture8 January 2012, 16:31 GMT +01:00

That sounds like a possibility,,,bank job,,,got a nice ring to it!!

1626. xymonau8 January 2012, 23:25 GMT +01:00

There's a great British tradition of quite successful ones, too.

You could dig a tunnel under one an' up frew the floor. They'd never 'spect that.

1627. happyture9 January 2012, 6:40 GMT +01:00

Yes yes yes!! well i,m off to Manchester today just to have a look around, lots of piggy banks there i,ll be spoilt for choice :O)

1628. xymonau9 January 2012, 7:08 GMT +01:00

Don't menshun my name to hennyone in case you is cort.

1629. happyture9 January 2012, 8:31 GMT +01:00

OK, I inner a grass Mrs,,,,do you think i should do Armed,,,or After hours????

1630. xymonau9 January 2012, 10:00 GMT +01:00

Well, you HAS to use yer harms, so I fink thassa bit ovva silly queskion. Harfter hours makes it a bit harder to get in, dunnit? Don't they lock they's frunt doors? Nah, you'll 'ave to dig. No uvver option. Gotta dog? you could jus' keep buryin' a bone an' 'e could do alla work. Course, you'll 'ave to take the dirt out in yer pockets. I fink it's tradishun. Hin yore case, you could fit rarver a lot hunder yer fingernails an' behine yer hears hif you wash first.

1631. happyture10 January 2012, 9:10 GMT +01:00

Well, Manchester! what a city,,,what a place, I didnt like Manchester as all the banks where boarded up, not a all crook friendly,, hows you spose to make a livin livin there i ask you????

1632. xymonau10 January 2012, 10:14 GMT +01:00

Why Manchester, anyway?

1633. happyture10 January 2012, 12:21 GMT +01:00

To be perfectly honest a old friend of mine asked me to go with him as his mother has past away and he is left to sort through the house sorting her things out etc, so hopefully thats what we done yesterday, he only wanted a couple of sentimental objects the rest he is having someone to do a house clearance,,sad really, someone's whole life in a few cardboard boxes O(

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