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forum > Fun zone > woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!

1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)

1370. happyture9 November 2011, 21:11 GMT +01:00

I am not sure, i had a curry tonight with boiled rice, was a bit boring but edible, not sure if it was healthy or not ?

1371. xymonau10 November 2011, 9:12 GMT +01:00

I have a craving for hot food lately. If I resist, it will go. I am quite enjoying the simple food. I made the mistake of buying a jar of Yackandndah peanut satay - it was low enough in salt and fat to be an occasional treat - and I cooked up a stack of frozen vegetables (was being lazy) and some fat free noodles, and had a couple of real pigouts. The noodles were bad - just no nutrition - but it was so nice for a change. Anyway, it was fairly hot. I don't usually like really hot food, but this was just right. I think I bought the sauce in Brisbane. I'll have to go shopping there next time (in a couple of weeks I have another workshop).

I saw the cardiologist on Tuesday. My circulation is pretty good, so at least I have no extra worries. I have to have a CAT scan on my lungs to rule out anything else, as the pressure isn't equal, but basically he has left it up to me whether I change my medication or add fluid tablets. The prognosis is still poor, and he doesn't want me to exercise or have stress (I work with homeless men, for Pete's sake!), but he did agree to slow exercise, and I must stop when I feel the need - in other words, don't push myself. Life is not that simple. I will make a plan of what to do when. Firstly I have to get through xmas and all the running around I have to do for work. I hate this time of the year. And we're having our yearly appraisal by the Government in a couple of weeks. I've done no preparation. I figure I can just run out of the office screaming if it all goes wrong. That will confuse them, and then I'll run away from home and hide out with the gypsies. Good plan, hey? Thought of it myself!

1372. happyture10 November 2011, 9:57 GMT +01:00

I dont think a treat now and then does any harm really, i think its a build up of bad food over an extended period that does the damage, i think you have done really well altering your diet the way you have it takes a lot of willpower, I have a taste for spicy food herbs n spices add so much to a meal even a boring meal can be spiced up to taste better, which is what i often do to the scouring look of my partner, What a result too off your cardiologist, you must be really pleased i know i would be, tell you now if the pump is circulating the old red juice around then your onto a winner, everything else will fall into place you wait n see, Aint it a joke when they say dont get stressed, life itself is stress, as soon as you leave the front door of your home it starts, I had to laff, my doc said,, if you find yourself in a stressful noisy position get up and walk out,,,WALK OUT? what planet are these doc's on? anyway, your work with fruity old fella's must be a real treat at times,,how many medals have you got now for bravery above and beyond the call of duty!!!

1373. xymonau10 November 2011, 11:05 GMT +01:00

"Fruity old fellas" is only a very small portion of the equation. The average age is 25-45, most have mental illness or substance abuse, but pepper that with every social problem known to man, regular agression, prisoners on release, etc, etc, and you might have a clearer picture. A policewoman once said to me she had no idea how we could work with the clientele (this was at a 140 bed place where I worked for 10 years). I laughed and said the police have to work with the same people. She said, "Yes, but we have guns!" That just about says it all.

1374. happyture10 November 2011, 17:30 GMT +01:00

Maybe you need a gun,,I have an old revolver if you want to borrow it, dont know if it will still fire but you could always belt um across the back of the noggin with it like in the films,,,that be fun wouldn't it for ya Hummm!!!

1375. xymonau12 November 2011, 9:57 GMT +01:00

You've known me for all these years an' you haven't cort on that I has a pointy stick?! No bullet is faster or can do more dammidge than wot my stick can. Tsk! Guns!...

Do ya think they'd let it froo customs? An' azzit got bullets?

1376. happyture12 November 2011, 10:55 GMT +01:00

Got bullets will travel,,,,Customs,, i juss tell um its a pest repellent and they lets me through, But, if your happy with your pointy stick so be it,, Ahh funny, i stuck the barrel through the letterbox once at this fella selling windows dear dear dear he run like a jack rabbit .....

1377. xymonau12 November 2011, 10:57 GMT +01:00

Some people is strange, hey?

No, I will aggsept your giff ovva gun, Mikey, an' i yam humble thatchoo are so kind.

1378. happyture12 November 2011, 11:01 GMT +01:00

Yeah i iz,, meny times people have sed, Hey you iz sum kinda fella you iz, i like two share things, like like,,err, well things i dont want,, errr, i wonce give a pair of socks to the needy, made me feel all warm and fluffy inside knowing that eye add helped sumone...

1379. xymonau12 November 2011, 11:29 GMT +01:00

Was they able to chew 'em? 'Cause if they coodent chew 'em, you was not helpful.

1380. happyture12 November 2011, 11:37 GMT +01:00

Errrr No! chew um,,,no no i had wore um for a week or two and they had turned stiff, cuz socks do that dont they, i wouldn't chew um oh no!!!

1381. xymonau12 November 2011, 12:10 GMT +01:00

Well, it is good manners to wash 'em before you gives 'em to the starving.

1382. happyture12 November 2011, 14:02 GMT +01:00

Wash um,,,its cheaper to buy another pair,, i can get a 2 pack at the pound shop and the will last me a month

1383. xymonau13 November 2011, 2:12 GMT +01:00

Yes, I'd heard that about you.

1384. happyture13 November 2011, 11:32 GMT +01:00

Nothing wrong with being economical Dezzie,,, I did wash a pair of my pants once but it took 4 washes in yardmaster bleach to fetch um anywhere near clean, so i juss but a new pair once a month whether i need to change um or not ...

1385. xymonau13 November 2011, 12:02 GMT +01:00

I likes a man wif high jean.

1386. happyture13 November 2011, 15:10 GMT +01:00

Well nows you menstron it i have been attracting the females since i changed me deodorant,,,well its car fresh from the pound shop got a nice lemony smell to it,,kills flies to,,like two birds with one stone init!!

1387. xymonau14 November 2011, 11:13 GMT +01:00

An why wood you want to kill even ONE bird wiffa stone, you mongster?!

1388. happyture14 November 2011, 17:30 GMT +01:00

Its a saying ere init like,,,we say it when you can do 2 jobs with one action,,comprehend'a

1389. xymonau15 November 2011, 11:03 GMT +01:00

That's 'cause you is all murderous, bird-killin' Pomgolians! So youse all grewed a sayin'. But it weren't always so.

1390. happyture16 November 2011, 8:28 GMT +01:00

We is knot crewl ,,,i loves me birdies,,i wont have you sayin such things,, :O(

1391. xymonau16 November 2011, 9:20 GMT +01:00

Well, you said it furst, an' don't say you diddent.

Why, next you'll be tellin' me a nod's as good as a wink to a blind 'orse.

1392. happyture16 November 2011, 9:50 GMT +01:00

HOW,,??,,,WHY,,??,,Just how did you knows that saying hummm, cuz i didn' t said that one two yoo yet,,marbulous how these sayings travel init...

1393. xymonau16 November 2011, 12:31 GMT +01:00

They comes by ship, I fink.

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