Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
He knows you, Mikey. He tole me fings wot wood curl my 'air.
L@@ks curly already to me,,,he's a police man then???
The pub owner is not normally a policeman, but I dare say he might have been one when YOUR CASE was making the newpapers.
Huh,,,,We call them landlords here, not publicans, I know of a pub where the landlord was a policeman, it was always empty ???
You hoperates inna dark an' dangerous wurld, young Mikey. Respeck!
NO,, Its just that i know his paper boy,,who for a small fee will piddle on his papers every day for a week Ha ha ha,,,
*sigh* Every time I think you is housetrained, you lets me down.
Well i know the copper bites his fingernails so i think i'll piddle on his news paper too...
It dont hurt anyone, bit of harmless fun thats all...
If piddlin' on other people's newspapers is your idea of fun, you should get out more.
Oh your just jealous i can tell, you lead a very sheltered life dont you dezzie :O)
I think I muss, Mikey, I think I muss.
We had a lasagne tonight at the CHIP program that was scrumptious. Made with tofu instead of cheese, and it was amazing. My meat-eating friend has sworn off meat and dairy already, and is blissful about all the wonderful food that's out there. They have already lost weight, and are looking so good and healthy.
So I plan to make the lasagne on Sunday and eat the flippin' lot!
I like a nice lasagne, My daughter made one for au all the other day with meat substitute, it was lovely, i couldn't tell it wasn't meat,,anyway,,your friend has sworn off eating meat,,have you been bullying?? have you??
I wooden't dare. He's much bigger than me! No, he's been watching the videos and tasting the samples and learning lots of other things.
It was so funny the other night. They had a mixed salad with the lasagne, and he was getting off on it because it was so nice. Later, they gave us all some of a fresh and canned display of good they had purchased to show people the foods high in calcium. He took a bunch of bok choy. We stood there chatting to the doctor who runs the program, and as I looked across, my friend was munching on this raw bok choy - which I think really should be cooked. he had almost a whole leaf eaten, and he was saying how delicious it was! I'm really happy for him. He says he already feels a lot better. Going from a confirmed carnivore to a vegan has been a huge jump, and he had no intention of doing that. He has just had an ejumacation.
Well,,,the way i look at it is, you have to eat or you die, i think you can eat anything in moderation, most the time we just eat too much :O)
There is some truth in that, but all fats and oils stimulate the liver to make cholesterol. And vegans live ten years longer. There is a reason for that.
Thats the truth,,,I knew someone who ran swam, never ate meat, gym every day, He choked on a banana ...