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That is sad news, Dez. He was so cute. You will see soon if Mousie shows signs of loneliness and wants a new companion.
Thanks, Michael. I think Mousie already is wondering what's going on. I might let him out more often so he can sit with us over the next few days.
that is sad news Dez! Maybe the other one will become tame now that he (she?) has only you for company
Thanks, Christine. Mousie is easy enough to handle, but a bit more bitey than Chicken was. Today he has been out of his cage a lot and scratched and petted more than he has been in ages. I feel so guilty. Chicken was very anaemic, but I never realised it. The vet pointed it out. I had seen him panting for breath after flying a lot, but I put that down to him probably being older than Mousie and out of condition. He also used to suck on the wire on his cage. I think the metallic taste appealed to him. I wish I had been paying more attention. Still, it will make me care a lot more for Mousie. I went out and bought lots of green vegetables for him today. I want to make sure he has all the nutrients he needs. And he is going to be plied with people food rather than grain and seed a lot more.
Oh Dez, it's tragic to loose such a compaignon. I always cried more than one day when we lost a cat (by accident or when they are to old). I feel with you.
Thank you, Gesine. It's true. We love them, and it is so painful to lose them. I am still upset, and I suspect I will be for a while. I felt sorry for my son. He told me he got up early today and had breakfast in the lounge after letting Mousie out of his cage to sit with him. He never does that, and shows me that he is feeling sad, too. Although he hasn't been at home in recent years, he was fond of Chicken. He even put Mousie's cage - made of timber and quite heavy - over near the door so he could get some sun on him. Again, that's something he would never usually do. I am still weepy when I think about him, but I know that will go.
You will feel better in a while, but we are all happy of course that you are such a caring