You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
it - I don't need more cake...but I sure do want it!
that won't add to our
but it belongs on the list of things we have in common.
We should
our sunglasses on to look less suspicious.
blackbirds have now started to build a nest in the hedge on our terrace. Outside of Mimis reach.
That's wonderful! I'll bet Mimi gets excited over them, or can't she see them?
Mimi has noticed already that something unusual is going on there and observes the corner quite closely.
That will make her life more interesting for a while.
The babies must
the light of the world first, but this may happen every day now.
First attempts to fly around of the babies in about three weeks and in two months they go their ways.
We do have them here (not locally, but certainly in the southern states - I used to see them in Sydney) but they are classes as feral along with the Indian mynah. Shame, because they are both energetic and cute birds. So in their native lands it's nice to see them. It's wonderful watching the babies grow. Every day they change. Are they in a spot where you can take some photos?
We have no direct sight contact with the nest because it is well hidden in the hedge. I think the first sign of the babies will be wenn we hear them chirping for food. Photos are difficult because the whole terrace is covered with Mimis security net.
well, there will be
a problem in that case, and they should make it out of the nest without being stressed